Girl meets dress shopping

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Your POV:
-wake up! Wake up! Wake up I swear to fuck! Get uppp!-
I wake up laughing at the new alarm sound that Tommy made for me.
I get up and turn the alarm off before realizing that Riley, Maya, and I are going to pick out our dresses for the dance.
I get ready completely just in time because as I put my shoes on, Maya and Riley walk into my home.
"Good morning!!" Riles says as Maya grabs a leftover croissant from last night.
After we eat, we head to my Jeep so we can get to the store.
"I already called and reserved the whole store since I only want the best for my girls." I inform the two girls as we pull into the dress shop.
"Wooaaaahhh y/n you didn't have to do that for us." Maya tells me sounding baffled.
"Oh but I did. Besides it's not that big of a deal." I tell her.
We head inside, immediately getting greeted by the lovely ladies that work here.
—Time skip about two hours later—
It is now three o'clock and we finally picked our dresses
(Author here! It won't let me add the pictures of the outfits I picked so just put them in whatever you want)
Once we get the dresses paid for and in the Jeep, we start heading home so I can finish up my homework and study a little bit before having the video sleepover call with tommy, tubbo, Phil, and ranboo. I don't know why ranboo uses his computer for call nights since we live together.
We soon arrived at the apartments and I dropped off maya and Riley at the Matthews apartment before I continued to walk down the hall to my home.
——-time skip to the start of the call—
You- hiiiiii!
Phil-before we start this do any of you have homework or studying to get done?
Tom-phillll why do you have to bring school into this?!?!
Phil-because I care, you gremlin.
You- I have to study for a test on Monday but it's only Friday so I have time I'll be fine.
Ran-same here.
Tub- I don't even go to school so I'm all good here.
Tom- I already did all my work for college so I'm good as well.
Phil-good. Now what do we start with tonight?
You- I would say movies but that's usually the most difficult to set up.
Tub- we could play games first.
Tom-I'm down. What do you want to play first.
Ran-we could play truth or dare?
Phil- is everyone okay with that?
You tommy and tubbo- yea I'm down.
Phil- okay. I'll start I guess.[he waits until everybody is ready] ranboo truth or dare?
Ran- dare.
Will-I dare you to tweet out the words "Philza Minecraft is pogchamp." .
Ran- dude that's so easy. [he does the dare and tweets out what Phil told him to.]
You- ohmy he-he actually did it. [you burst out laughing.]
Ran- y/n truth or dare.
You- I already know where your going with this. dare.
Ran- but did you? Did you really? I dare you to tell the whole call who you like.
You- ranboo! What the f^ck! [you sigh in defeat.] fine. I have a crush on this guy I met in class, his name is Farkle minkus, he's really nice.
Ran-and he's always at the apartment with us.
Tom- oooooooo! Y/n/n has a crushhhhhhh!
Tub- I wanna meet him!
You- okay I'm continuing the game now. Tommy truth or dare.
Tom- truth.
You- is it true that you screamed while going on rides at the amusement park?
Tom- f^ck you y/n! It's my turn now. Tubbo truth or dare. [both tommy and tubbo smirk]
Tub- dare.
Tom- I dare you to go see y/n/n and ranboo with me.
Tub- you know it boss man.

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