Girl meets stream

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This is after school ended
Y/t/n means your twitch name
Y/f/c means your favorite color
Your POV:
"Ranbooooo!! Haiiii!" Is the first thing I can think to say when I join the VC with ranboo.
"Hi y/t/n!"
" I haven't even started stream yet ranboo you can use my name ya know, unless you started" I said laughing.
"Yea, no, I haven't started yet." He laughed with me.
I heard my phone go off so I tell ranboo "oh! one sec I got a text."
"You don't have to tell me y/n." He replied laughing.
[the texts]
F: y/n! Hi.
Y: Farkle! Hello.
Y: wait! How'd you get my number?
F: you passed out in history so maya put her number in your phone and sent your number to the rest of us.
Y: how did she get into my phone? Lmao
F: you left it open when you fell asleep.
Y: welp it is what it is. Anyways what's up?
F: oh! Right. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? You,me,riley,maya,Lucas and Zay?
Y: count me in! What time?
F: in about two hours so like 6:00 or 6:30?
Y: awesome! I can pick you up if you want?
F: cool, thanks y/n!
Y: anytime! Now, I gotta get some stuff done. I'll see you later.
[text over ]
"Hellooooo? Y/n? You there?" I hear from my headset.
"Hm? Yea, sorry ranboo. I was texting my new friend from school about hanging out later."
"Okay well then let's start so we can get you to your friend." I hear him chuckle.
"Okie one minute." I say then I deafen on discord.
"What's up chat, today is going to be a pretty short stream, so let's get started."
—————-after the stream——————-
"Ughhh ranboo what do I wear?!??!!" I ask him, frustrated.
"Why does it matter what you wear to hangout with friends y/n/n? Do you likeeee one of them?"
"I just met them ranboo! You know I can't catch feelings that fast." I said laughing.
"Okay fine. Just wear your black ripped jeans, that I know you love wearing. And wear the hoodie I sent you last month, or if you want a short sleeve then wear that y/f/c top that you like. There. better?" Ranboo suggests.
"Finally! Thank you ranboo." I say, relieved.

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