Girl meets two truths and a lie

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Maya's POV:
There is something that y/n is hiding from us, I can feel it. Whatever it is that she's hiding, it doesn't seem to be that big, but none of us keep secrets from each other. Especially not since the Lucas thing, Riley was so upset about that, I refuse to risk it.
I may not know you that well y/n l/n but I will soon.
Your POV:
We sit down in the living room of my house before I hear maya ask me "y/n can I talk to you? In private." I don't know what she is about to ask but I feel like it's important.
"Sure maya. lets go to my room, we can talk there. We will be back in a bit, feel free to make yourselves at home."
After I say that, I lead the way to my bedroom. Once we make it to my room I close the door and ask "so what's up maya?"
" I can tell your hiding something, I can't tell what it is or how important it is, but I know you are. So all I want to know is would the truth hurt riley to know?"
The only thing I'm hiding from them is the fact that I'm a twitch streamer, so I don't think it would hurt anyone if I'm honest.
"No maya, the truth would not hurt riley. Or anyone for that matter. The only reason I'm hiding what I am is because it's for my safety." I tell her since that is the actual reason I am a Faceless streamer anyway. For my safety, my parents and I wanted to make sure I would be safe while doing the whole twitch thing before I did a face reveal.
"The fact that it's for your safety sounds cryptic, what is it." Maya asks.
"If I said it, it wouldn't be a secret anymore." I stated before realizing I'm supposed to do a face reveal tomorrow anyway.
"Ya know what f**k it. One sec. GUYS EVERYONE COME IN HERE REAL QUICK PLEASE." I say before waiting for everyone to reach my room before opening ranboos contact and telling him what I'm about to do.
"The reason maya and I were talking is I've been hiding something and she knew, she didn't know what it was, but she knew I was hiding something. So I'm going to start the game really fast." I say before taking a deep breath
" okay so my two truths and a lie are:
1. I'm a twitch streamer with an average of over 9k views per stream.
2. My parents bought my Jeep for me.
3. I have a friend flying down to see me in about two weeks.
So, which one is the lie?"
Maya's answer was the 3rd one
Riley said it was the first one
Zay said it was the 3rd one
Lucas said it was number two
And Farkle said it was number one
"The lie was the second one." I said feeling bad about lying to Farkle about the car.
"Wait you lied to me about the car? I trust you and you lie to me about something as stupid as a car." Farkle says sounding upset.
"I bought it myself right when we got here, I couldn't tell you that because then you would have asked about how I got the money to afford it. I wasn't about to be like oh hi I'm y/n and I'm some crazy rich twitch streamer I'm so cool." I state the obvious.
"Lucas can you take me home." Farkle asks.
"Your leaving because of a tiny lie? It's not like I could have told you about me streaming. You want to know something? I technically got most of the money for that car from being hated on, being called useless, being told that I deserve nothing, most of the money was from people who wanted nothing but for me to feel bad about myself. So if your going to leave because I couldn't bring myself tell you about that, then fine." I say on the verge of tears while looking at the ground before hearing the sound of keys get dropped and what sounds like someone trying to escape from peoples grasp.
"Lucas, calm down. there is nothing you can do about it this time." I hear before I look up to see a clearly upset Lucas, being held back by Zay and maya while Farkle and riley are trying to calm him down.
"I don't care. Someone hurt her. And it is not okay." I hear Lucas say through gritted teeth.
"Lucas. It's fine, really, don't worry about me. I'm fine." I tell him in hopes of it calming him down.
"No y/n! your clearly not fine. This situation is not okay." He tells me.
He started to remind me of ranboo when he found out about the hate, except ranboo was less angry and more so sympathetic.
"Lucas. Really dude, it's fine. It's not like it hasn't happened before at my last school." I mention before slapping my hand over my mouth.
"Y/n. You aren't helping here." Says maya sounding tired.
"Let me go." Lucas says
"What are you going to do if we let you go?" Maya says
"Hug y/n. She clearly needs it." Lucas says truthfully.
If I'm honest I do really need a hug.
Before I could even look back up I feel arms wrap around me, I look up to see Lucas hugging me.
"Uhm thank you." I tell him awkwardly since I'm not really the type of person to give hugs so I don't receive them often.

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