Girl meets groupchat

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Farkles POV:
[group text]
Farkle: y/n said yes to hanging out with us tonight fyi.
Maya: Riley's phone is dead but she wants me to let you know that she says "YAYYYY".
Lucas: okay Farkle, and also Maya tell Riley to text me when her phone is charged please."
M: what do you want with my sunshine, huckleberry?
L: just tell her to text me. Please?
Riley: hiii. My phones charged.
[[riley and Lucas are now offline from the group chat]]
Zay: oh no.
F:what's wrong Zay?
Z: just wait
[[riley and Lucas are back online]]
R: peaches.. bay window! Bay window right now!
M: huckleberry if you did something I will hurt you.
L: I didn't even do anything!
Z: that is why I said, oh no, Farkle.
F: that makes a lot more sense.
F: Would it be okay if I added y/n to the groupchat?
L: you want her to see the chaos?
Z: you want her to see maya constantly make fun of Lucas?
R: guys, if Farkle wants to add her he should.
M: I agree with huckleberry and Zay. But also I think he should add her, especially if she's going to be in the friend group anyway.
F: so.. is that a yes to adding her?
R: do it Farkle.
F: okay one second
[[farkle has added y/n to chat]]
Y: uhm... hi?
F: hi y/n this is the group chat with the friend group.
Y: wait does this mean im apart of the group then?
M: only if you want to be.
R: we all told Farkle he should add you.
Y: why? you guys barely know me.
L: yea but what we do know is that, Farkle seems to care about you, so welcome to the group.
Y: ok who's who aside from maya and Farkle.
M: Im maya but you know that.
F: obviously I am Farkle but you already have my contact so.
R: hiii I'm riley!
Z: I'm Zay.
L: and I'm Lucas
Y: okay cool you are all in my contacts now
M: me and Farkle already were 😎✨
Y: yes maya, I know. Lmao.
Y:welp I'm going to go get ready to hangout, see you guys in a bit? Oh. And who all am I picking up?
L: I'm already driving for me and Zay, so it's up to you who takes who.
Y: I'm picking up Farkle. so maya,riley it's up to you two.
M:Lucas can we ride with you?
L: ya sure.
Y: ok then it's settled see you soon.

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