Girl meets crush

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Your POV:
Sh1t they know that I like Farkle.
"There was no bird y/n you LIAR. Now back to the situation at hand. YOU LIKE FARKLE?!??!!" Riley says.
"Riles...of course there was no bird, we are inside." Maya tells riley before continuing with "anyways, y/n likes farkle, what else is new."
"Maya how are you so nonchalant about her Liking Farkle. This is a pretty big deal." Riley asks the blonde.
"Because riles, it's not like her liking him will change anything." Maya replies.
After she finished her sentence ranboo walked out of the guest room since he was done getting ready because I have to take him to school with me.
"Woaahhh y/n a very tall man just walked out of your guest room. Hello tall man." Maya pointed out so I turned around to see ranboo walking out.
"Oh yea, that's just ranboo, my best friend." I told her laughing.
"Oh, uhm, hi. I'm ranboo." He introduces himself.
"I'm maya and the ray of sunshine next to me is riley." Maya tells ranboo, while riley looks up at him in amazement.
"Maya are we short?" Riley asks the blonde.
"No riley you are not short. he's just really really tall." I answer for maya.
"Okay guys we gotta go so we can pick up Farkle on the way to school." I tell them before asking a question I shouldn't have
"Who's sitting in the front?"
"Farkle is." I hear from all three of the people in my apartment at the moment.
"You know, I hate you guys sometimes. Now let's go!" I state, grabbing my keys and ushering my friends to my car. I text Farkle while waiting for the three to get in the car and buckled up.
Farkle- are you still picking me up like usual?
You- yes, of course.
F- awesome! See you soon. Oh, and did you eat?
Y- not yet, why?
F- okay. Do you like Nutella on your toast?
Y- uh yea, why?
F- you will see. See you soon.
Y- okay.
[text over]
"You guys ready to go?" I ask, still very confused on the conversation with Farkle.
"We have been ready for a while, you were to busy texting farkleee." Maya tells me.
"My bad, lets go." I reply laughing as I start driving to farkles house.
Once we got to farkles house he came out with a piece of Nutella toast.
" Farkle is that why you asked if I ate yet?" I ask after seeing the toast.
" yea, that's also why I asked if you like Nutella on your toast." Farkle replied sounding nervous on what i was going to say.
"That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you Farkle."
"Ahem. Excuse me y/n I'm literally moving to New York for you, but nooo a piece of Nutella toast is the sweetest thing." Ranboo rants.
I burst out laughing because he seemed so butt-hurt and because he scared the sh1t out of Farkle.
"Sorry ranboo but the two aren't even comparable." I stated still laughing.
Shortly after I calmed down we arrived at school and I parked next to Lucas's car that he and Zay got here in.
"Woah. What up with the tall dude y/n/n" Zay asks slightly hiding behind lucas.
"Oh right, Lucas, Zay, this is my best friend who's more like a brother, ranboo." I state laughing a little.
"Hi guys." Ranboo greets while making sure I don't fall over from my laughing fit in the car.
"To Matthews class we go." I shout hopping on ranboo's back as he follows the others to mr. Matthews class.
"Okay. y/n/n we're here, you can get off of me now." Ranboo says, trying to get me off of his back.
"I'm comfy thooo." I state not going anywhere and staying on my best friend.
"If you don't get off of me I will tell you know who that you like them." He whispers to me in hopes of it getting me to get off of him.
"Okay let's not do that." I say, nervously getting if of his back and walking to my seat.
"Finally. Wait where do I sit?" Ranboo asks Matthews.
"Just sit next to y/n. Oh and welcome to class." The teacher tells ranboo before starting his lesson that I zoned out for.
—————time skip———————
"Y/n did you not pay attention to anything  in classes at all today?" Ranboo asks watching me try to do my homework.
"No." I admit.
"Here. You really need to pay attention loser. Or your going to fail." Ranboo sighs while handing me his notebooks with all of his notes from today.
"Thanks ran." I say.
I just barely finish all of my homework and hand back ranboos notebooks as we hear a knock on the door.
"It's unlocked just come In ya weirdo!" I yell knowing that it's Farkle.
"Fine. You know how much I hate just walking into your house though, right?" Farkle complains As he walks to my desk in my room where all of my homework sits.
"Ya ya I know. Either way you have to get used to it because half the time I don't want to get up to open the door.besides my parents don't even live here anymore and it's not like ranboo and I care if you walk in." I answer.

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