Girl meets ranboo

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Ranboo's POV:
I know I told y/n I wouldn't be here for a solid two weeks, I wanted to actually surprise her.
But what nobody knows is that I plan on moving to New York to be with y/n so I can make sure nothing bad happens.. not after her last friend group at her old school.
" I'm home!" I heard y/n giggle probably because she remembered her parents aren't home.
I snuck out of the closet I was hiding in as quiet as possible before making it to her recording room, I went there so I could get her to come to me.
[calling y/n]
Y-ranboo! Hey dude what's up?
R-hey so I'm streaming right now and my chat wants you to hang with me *i chuckled*
Y-okie! I'll go log in now just give me a sec.
R- talk to you in a bit!
[call ended]
Lying to her is so difficult for me, it's almost like trying to lie to your little sister. She's like a little sister to me, ever since we met.
While I was deep in thought, I heard the door open and close, meaning y/n just walked in.
"Hiya." I say stepping out of the closet I was hidden in.
"Oh. My. God. RANBOO!" I heard before being tackled in a hug.
"For someone so short you are really powerful." I laugh.
"I need to talk to you about something super important." I knew exactly what she was talking about and I was dreading it.
"I know what you're about to ask and yes I did reach out to Lucas, but he deserved to know about you avoiding them. I'm sorry okay?" I stated knowing she was going to get upset about what I did.
"The avoiding thing isn't it. You told Lucas that I like Farkle! I don't even know if I like him and now his best friend knows that I might!" She ranted.
"I'm sorry okay? I know that I messed up but I have never seen you so happy with a guy before and I want it to go well for you, I don't want to see you get hurt again. Your like my little sister so seeing you upset about something I did hurts." I tell her the truth.
"Fine but please, please never do that again. Now to the fun part. What are you doing here! You aren't supposed to be here for another week!" She Says laughing a bit at the end.
"I wanted to surprise you." I laugh with her.
We hear a knock on the apartment door so we go to answer it.
"Oh uhm hi Farkle come on in." She tells him before I notice that she said the name Farkle.
"Y/n I need to talk to you in your room alone please right now." I say before picking her up to take her there myself.
"What is it tall man." She laughs at her nickname for me.
"That's Farkle? THE Farkle I have heard so much about." I told her.
"Really you dragged me away for this. It couldn't have waited?" She replied.

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