Girl meets: first day of school

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Your POV:
'I really need to get a personalized alarm, maybe I can ask tommy, tubbo, ranboo and Phil  to make me one.'
While thinking of what to make my alarm I get up and start to get ready for my shower.
(Tiny time skip to after shower when your ready)
After I finish the last bit of getting ready I grab my phone and backpack so I can head downstairs to eat breakfast before I leave for my first day at a new school in a new city.
I laugh but still check my phone knowing it's ranboo because of the sound alert that I heard, ranboo recorded it for me himself when we met up the first time.
R:heyyy:) have a great day at your new school, make sure to be yourself y/n/n.
Y:ranboo! Hiii, thank you for the encouragement but If I'm honest I'm still really anxious . :0
R:there's nothing to be anxious about y/n, if it's about making friends and talking to people like I think it is, then just pretend your streaming and talking to chat.
Y: thanks endyboi:) I gotta go, talk to you later?
R: for sure! Oh! Do you want to stream later by the way?
Y:definitely! Anyways byeee
[texts over]
Yea no I'm not taking his advice because I am a whole different person when I'm not streaming and he knows that, I'm still really glad that he texted me though... I haven't streamed in almost a month, Twitter is starting to think i forgot that I'm a streamer.
I check the time and notice that I have to go, so I grab my keys and get in my car to drive to the school.
Once I get to the school I park and grab my stuff from the car so I can enter the weirdly large high school.
I run inside not having a clue where I'm supposed to be going, I guess I ran into a guy while I wasn't paying attention, because next thing I know I'm on the floor.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Let me help you up." The guy offered while holding out his hand.
"Thank you, and I'm so sorry for running into you, I guess I must not have been paying attention. There goes my good first impressions." I said while laughing at the last part
"First impression? Oh. You must be new. I'm Farkle by the way."
"Nice to meet you Farkle, that's quite the interesting name. Oh! I'm y/n."

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