Girl meets aftermath

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Lucas' POV:
I can't believe people could be so mean and cruel, especially to someone they don't even know.

Your POV:
I can tell that the situation is making Lucas upset. So I say the only thing I can Think of
"I'm sorry" I have no clue why but it came out quiet and my voice cracked.
I cleared my throat and got out of Lucas' grasp before speaking again
"I'm sorry I lied, it's just, the only friends I've ever had before this were online so I have never had to hide things from them, I guess I'm just not used to knowing people In real life. I'm so sorry. Mostly to Farkle, but the rest of you too. I'm sorry."
I'm not one to get emotional so I didn't tear up this time but I do feel sad, i mean I lied to Farkle, the guy who would've walked the earth for me, all just to lie to him about a car.
"I should apologize too. I overreacted. I promise I'm not normally like that, I'm not exactly sure what made me act the way I did but either way, I'm sorry."
" we should get going since we have school tomorrow, who am I all driving?" Lucas points out.
" I live down the hall so you don't need to take me and maya anywhere." Riley says laughing.
"Farkle? You coming with me and Zay?" Lucas asks.
" yea. Talk to you later y/n" Farkle replies.
"Bye Farkle, bye guys." I say
"Ooooohhh Farkle gets his own good bye." Maya teases.
"Good bye maya." I laugh as her and Riley walk through my door. I get up and lock the door to be ✨safe✨.
~pick up, pick up, pick up,pickup, pick UP, PICKUPPICKUPPICKUP~
I forgot how aggressive ranboos call tone is.
R-how was your hangout?
Y-well it was good then I did what I told you about, Farkle got upset that I lied about who bought my car, I told them about my haters, Lucas seemed like he would have un-alived someone if maya and Zay weren't holding him. And Riley was a ball of sunshine.
R- wait y/n/n you told them?
Y-I didn't mean to. I just got weirdly upset that I hurt Farkle so I told the entire truth even though it was bad.
R- y/n Im so proud of you for opening up to them.
Y-thanks ran.
R-that was not a ran moment it was more of a boo moment than anything.
Y-no boo is like a chad. Ran is the sweet older brother.
R- ohh yea I forgot about that. Wow you know me better than I know me.
Y-*yawns* I'm tired.
R- I know. Goodnight y/n/n.
[call ended]
———the next morning at school———
I walk into school Hoping to avoid the entire group. And before you say it, 'y/n why would you avoid them? All they tried to do is help you.' And I know that, it's just, awkward for me. I mean I think I might possibly just maybe like Farkle and I hurt him by lying to him. Then his best friend tried to unalive people he didn't know. But still I feel bad about lying to him even if I did come clean about it in the end.
"Hiding from something?" Says a voice I didn't want to hear right now.
"Hi Farkle."
"Hiya." He says with that stupid smirk he uses when he knows somethings up.
"Look Farkle, about last night I'm sorry." I apologize.
"Hey, stop, your fine. Seriously don't worry about it y/n." He says in the most  genuine voice I've heard in a while.
When I'm about to say something I feel someone cover my mouth and drag me away. I widen my eyes thinking I was being kidnapped, before realizing it was probably Lucas since Farkle looked a mix of jealous and calm.
As soon as we stop Lucas takes his hand away.
"What the h3ll was that for Lucas."
"I know you like Farkle." He tells me.
How the h3ll.
"No I don't. I barely know him, or any of you for that matter. It's been two days."
" i see the way you look at him, just like I saw you trying to avoid us."
How does this boy know everything.
"How'd you know about that?"
"Someone named ranboo reached out to me and told me all about how he knows you like Farkle and about how you would more than likely try to avoid us."
What. The. F^*k.
" I can explain." I tell him not knowing what to say.
" who's ranboo"
"My best friend"
"Why'd you lie about not liking Farkle."
"I didn't. Like I said I have only known him for a day."
"Why would you avoid us."
"No lucas, just please leave me alone."

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