Girl meets movie night

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Your POV:
After a few more minutes of walking Farkle and I make it back to mine and ranboos apartment.
I unlock the doors and hold them for Farkle, pretending to be a posh British man.
"Thank you good sir" Farkle plays along in the worst British accent I have ever heard, causing me to have to stifle a laugh.
"Just being a gentleman ma'am" I state with my decent accent.
"Woaahhh y/n your British accent is actually pretty good! How'd you do it." Farkle asks probably forgetting that I have British friends that I talk to all the time.
"I guess it's just a perk of having British friends." I shrugged.
Before we knew it we were outside of the apartment that has inevitably become the hangout spot for the group.
I open the door knowing that ranboo didn't lock it just in case if it had gone terribly with Farkle at topangas.
"We have arrived!" I exclaim before starting again "you guys left us some croissants, right?" I ask knowing I got at least half of my friends to love the chocolate goodnesses that is chocolate croissants.
"We didn't even touch them. We put the croissants on the counter and your tea is in the fridge." Ranboo states knowing that my next question would have been where they put everything.
"Yay okay. I'm gonna run and change really quick because I'm in jeans right now and they aren't too comfortable." I tell the group before heading to my room.
While I was grabbing my pajamas I got a group call from tommy and tubbo.
~the call~
Tom- Hey y/n me and tubbo just wanted to check up on you.
Tub- Yea. You ended stream and left VC pretty quick. Is everything alright y/n/n?
Y- oh. Yea! Sorry about that, I can't necessarily explain it at the moment but I promise I'll explain during our hangout call tomorrow, we are still doing that right?
Tom-duh! You think we would miss the opportunity to hangout with you?
Tub- tommy has a point there y/n/n. We wouldn't miss a hangout call for most anything.
Y- awe you guys are so sweet. Well I've gotta get going ranboo and I have a couple friends over and I have to change into my pjs still. I'll talk to you guys later.
Tom- bye y/n!
Tub- byeeeee!
~call ended~
After the call with the boys I quickly changed before booking it back to the living room.
"Sorry it took me so long! Some of my friends called me." I state a little out of breath because of how fast I ran.
"Lemme guess. Tommy and tubbo called you and it has something to do with tomorrow's call?"Ranboo took a guess, knowing he was right.
"Yea. Anyways! What are we watching?" I ask the rest of the group.
"Can we watch your past streams? I wanna see them and I can never manage to catch you live." Lucas brings up, before the entire rest of them started agreeing with him.
"I mean, okay. If that's really what you wanna watch." I reply knowing I will be cringing half the time.
I put my most recent stream vod on the tv.
"Okay so this one ends weird but just ignore the ending." I state seeing as this is the one from earlier today, where I had to end abruptly without an explanation.
—time skip to when the vod is over—
"Those must be the British people that you told me about earlier." Farkle starts " I'm not going to lie they are really funny." He finishes before everyone in the room besides me looks at us weird.
"What were you two talking about earlier." Zay asks causing me to cover farkles mouth.
"Nothing don't worry about it." I tell them, not wanting them to know about my fake accent out of embarrassment.
"Y/n knows how to do a fake British accent." Farkle rats me out before sticking his tongue out at me since he removed my hand from his face.
Everyone giggled before riley asked me " so y/n can we hear the accent?"
I can't just turn down my little ray of sunshine of a friend.
"Fine." I sigh before maya cuts in "tell your crush you like them in the accent." Maya dares laughing.
"Haha nope not happening." I tell the blonde in the accent.
Maya and Zay burst out laughing while riley giggles and ranboo,Farkle, and Lucas all try not to laugh.
"You can laugh you know. I don't care to be honest." I tell the three boys causing them to burst out into laughter.

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