Girl meets WHAT?!?!

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Underlined text is your thoughts.
Your POV:
You- are you guys being serious right now?!??!!?
Tom- yep.
Tub- we've had this plan for a while. We just don't find it fair to you two that you guys are always coming to see us, and never the other way around.
Phil- you guys act like I'm not going too. Which by the way I'm going as well.
Ran- when are you guys coming? Y/n and I have to get you guys beds before you get here. [we all laugh.]
You- yea and we gotta get snacks.
Will- we have the tickets bought already so we should be there by, about 3 pm your time on Saturday this weekend.
You- oh my god. That's tomorrow. Yayyyyy!
Ran- oh god she's turned into Riley.
You- maybe I should calm down. Anyways imma head to bed. Goodnight! [you mute and turn off your camera but stay on the call.]
Boys-goodnight y/n.
———-time skip———-
I woke up to ranboo shaking me and everyone was off the call.
"What time is it?" I ask my brother tired.
"Noon. We have to get ready to get the brits. And we have to go shopping still." Ranboo tells me.
"Okay. Now get out so I can get dressed." I laugh at my brother as he walks out.
I get in the shower and get dressed in comfy clothes that are still decently okay looking.
"RAN! I'm ready!" I tell him.
We leave and get in the Jeep to drive to the nearest target.
I check the time and see it's one pm.
"Okay so the guys get here in two hours, so you get the snacks and I'll get the beds and stuff. Meet me back here at 2:00." I tell the tall man as he grabs his cart and heads to get snacks and drinks to stock the house with since we now have three extra people at the house for about a week.
I head towards the air mattresses, once I reach my destination I grab three and put them in my cart, before heading to get blankets and pillows to make it more comfortable for the guys.
Once I reach the pillows and blankets I grab three different colors of both items. I grabbed a red one for tommy, a green one for tubbo, and a darker green one for Phil .
I should get some blankets for my room while I'm here.
I cave and put a black fluffy blanket in the cart and grabbing a white one for ranboo so he doesn't feel left out.
I check the time before noticing I have twenty minutes left so I grab a plushy for all of us. I got a bird for Phil , a cow for Tommy, a bee for tubbo, an enderman for ranboo, and a creeper for me.
I check the time again and start heading towards where I'm meeting ranboo.
By the time I get to the designated spot to meet back up I see ranboo waiting for me with the cart stacked with all the stuff he could think of that seemed like we would eat.
"Awww you grabbed more monsters! Thank youuu!" I gush about how great a brother he is because I ran out of my monsters from my stash.
"Shut up weirdo, let's go check out so we can pick up Da BoYsSs." Ranboo laughs.
After we check out and get our stuff payed for and in the car, we start the drive to the airport whilst blasting music.
We got to the airport just in time because it was 2:55pm and the brits land in a few minutes.
"Y/n!" I hear a certain British bee boy yell to me.
"Tubs! Your here!" I sprint to the boy and we nearly fall to the ground in a hug.
"Wow Phil. I don't think she even knows we are here." I hear.
"TOMMY!" I turn around after letting go of tubbo.
"Wow woman you really like hugs huh" tommy laughs while being hugged by me.
"Fine I'll give my hugs to someone who appreciates them. Dadza!" I turn to the oldest one here.
"How ya doing kiddo?" Phil asks chuckling.

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