Girl meets classes

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Farkle s POV:
After I bumped into the girl, who said her name was y/n, I realized that she probably has no clue where she's supposed to be.
"Do you have your schedule yet?" I ask her.
"Nope. And I have no clue where the office is, is there any chance you could help me?"
"Of course I can." I reply
"Awesome thank you so much Farkle!"
—————-time skip—————————
Your POV:
"Awesome! We have history together and the same lunch period, and I have friends in all your other classes that can help you if you want?" I hear Farkle say from over my shoulder, man I didn't even notice he was looking at my schedule with me.
"Coolio! Any chance you'd take me to history? Please?" I ask not wanting to get lost. Completely forgetting he said we have the class together.
"Well duh I would be rude to tell you we have the class together, then just not take you there with me" he replies chuckling a little bit.
"Sorry, I didn't really think of that." I stated laughing at my own stupidity.
———————in class———————-
We made it to class as I heard Farkle speak.
"Mr Matthews I'm sorry I'm late I was helping the new girl."
"New girl?" I heard someone say.
"Yes, Maya, a new girl. Welcome miss....?" I heard the teacher say
"Y/n. Y/n l/n. Just call me y/n though please."
"Alright well y/n you can have a seat behind Farkle."

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