Girl meets shock

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Your POV:
Farkle doesn't actually like smackle? He thought he did, but he likes someone else? Who could he like?
"Y/n you ok? You kind of zoned out there." I hear Farkle say bringing me back out of my thoughts.
"Hm? Oh, yea, sorry Farkle. I'm good. Just thinking." I respond.
"Well I'm here if you ever wanted to talk about what your thinking or anything really." Farkle told me
I was about to speak again before I remember the dance.
"Farkle?" I start before hearing a soft hum which is his way of letting me know he's there and listening.
"Are we still going to the dance on Friday?" I ask.
"If I'm honest I totally forgot about that. I'm willing to go if you are?" He replied. If I'm honest I'm really glad he forgot too because I would have felt almost bad if it was just me that forgot.
Hi author here real quick just here to say, I did forget about the dance thing so this is just me fixing that. Sorry anyways enjoy the rest of the chapter. And happy reading!
"Obviously I'm down to go, does this mean I have to go dress shopping soon?" I say dreading the idea of dress shopping.
Farkle just laughs in response before we hear my phone go off.
~sprinkles and rainbows~
I laugh at my text tone for riley that she made. She only made it that because I told her to make it the first thing that comes to mind when she thinks of herself, nah just kidding the real reason is actually kinda boring, all I told her was to say the first few words that come to mind just randomly.
"It's riles. I gotta check this." I inform him before sitting at a near by bench.
[texts with Riley: sunshine]
R- heyyy.
R-dress shopping. You me and maya. Tomorrow after school. Sound good?
Y-yes ma'am.
R-okie talk to you later gotta go byeee.
[text over]

I look up to see Farkle sat next to me waiting for me to get done texting riley, so I put my phone away and turned to him.

"You waited for me?" I ask him.

"Of course I did y/n, I will always wait for you. Most importantly it's getting dark out so I'm taking you home. Let's go." Farkle says, before linking arms with me, and starting our journey to mine and ranboos apartment.

~answer my call y/n/n! Pick uppp.~
My phone rings the ringtone that I have set for Lucas calling.

"Again? Who is it this time?" The boy asks me laughing.
"It's Lucas this time." I state before answering.

[call with Lucas]
L-hey, where are you. It's been almost an hour since we left you at the bakery.
Y-Lucas, calm down. I'm with Farkle, we're walking home now.
L-is he hanging out with us?
Y-is that okay with everyone else?
L-they all said yes, so ask him.
Y-okay. Okay.
[[y/n turns to Farkle]]
"Wanna hang out with me and everyone else at my place?"
"Yea sure. I'm in." He replied.

Farkle minkus x reader Where stories live. Discover now