Chapter 27

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Alayas POV:

Throughout the morning, my phone had been buzzing continuously. Alex had made it his mission to send me cheesy text messages which hadn't failed to put a smile on my face.

Alex: I like you from my head to-ma-toes! 🍅🍅🍅 sent 08:00AM

Alex: I can't stop smiling. It's all your fault. 😆 sent 08:21AM

Alex: We make a great 🍐   sent 09:07AM

Alex: Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me! sent 10:01AM

Alex: I think you're suffering from a lack of vitamin me. sent 10:38AM

Alex: You're cute. Can I keep you? 🤗 sent 11:17AM

Alex: I'd be 🦁 if I didn't say I totally like you. sent 11:44AM

Alex: Let's commit the perfect crime... I'll steal your heart and you steal mine. sent 12:25PM

Alex: I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Mine was just stolen. sent 13:17PM

Alex: Are your legs tired, because you've been running through my mind all day! 🏃 sent 14:02PM

Alex: Are you my phone charger? Because without you, I'd die. sent 15:11PM

I don't want to do anything behind my parents' backs, but I don't have a choice right now because I haven't told my parents about my decision to change my major from medicine to art and if I put Alex into the mix, I'm sure they won't take it well. I don't know Alex very well. There's still so much I want to learn about him. I also want him to learn about my background to see whether we're a good match. 

But it's impossible not to fall for someone who makes you feel so special. I mean, there's an undeniable spark between us. This is the first time I've ever felt this way about someone. Until today, I had never considered being with anybody. I always assumed that once I had my degree and a good job, my parents would help me find someone through an arranged marriage, just like they did. 

I never expected to meet someone who makes me feel like I'm the one. It only takes one touch for those flutters to appear in my stomach. When we're together, I get the sensation that it's just me and him. He is the source of my serenity. My main issue now is informing my parents about my decision to change majors, and then telling them about Alex.

Alex: Alaya, any chance I can see you today? I finish work in a bit?

Alaya: I'm not sure I can. Zayn has come over and is catching up with my dad. I'll see what I can do. 

Alex: Zayn has come round again? 

Alaya: Yes, it's no big deal. He wanted to come over and catch up with my dad who hasn't seen him in years. What's wrong ?

Alex: Nothing. I just don't think he has come over for your dad. 

Alaya: What do you mean?

Alex: Alaya I think he likes you and wants to be with you. I saw the way he looked at you yesterday. Like he was into you.  

Alaya: Alex I think your over reacting. Me and Zayn are just friends, that's all. It's you I want. Nobody else. 💑

I wonder why Alex feels this way about Zayn. I mean we are just friends, nothing more. Plus, I told Zayn yesterday how ridiculous it was for his and my mother to pair us up, and he agreed. I really want to see Alex. I'll see what I can do about getting out for a while.

My dad and Zayn were eating pakoras and watching a cricket match in the living room when I walked in. They were huge cricket fans. When we were younger if there was a match between Pakistan and India in particular, both of our families would watch it together. My dad absolutely adored Zayn. He was like a third son to him. 

"Hello, Zayn," I said.

He replied, nibbling into another pakora, "Hi Alaya, where have you been hiding?"

"I haven't been hiding," I answered back.

"You have, I saw you walk past a few times earlier and you've been on your phone the whole time. Couldn't you at least have sat down with me so we could catch up properly?" he grumbled, unhappy.

"But, we saw each other yesterday. What else do we need to catch up on?"  I questioned further. Why is he being so grumpy I thought.

''Alaya, Zayn is one of your childhood friends. He's returned to spend some time with you for the second time in a row. He obviously missed you. After all, you two were inseparable when you were kids," my father interrupted, joining our conversation. Why is dad siding with Zayn I wondered.

''Zayn I thought you had come here to catch up with my dad, not me''  I informed him as I turned to face my father, who was staring at the television screen.  "Dad we were kids. Since then, a lot has changed. I also wanted to see if I could meet up with my friend Tori."

"But, it is Sunday. Aren't you going to see your friend at Uni tomorrow?" my father asked, turning to face me for a brief moment before returning his gaze to the television.

"Yes, dad, but she needs me. Please''   With my puppy dog eyes and forlorn pout, I begged. That had always worked on my father, and it wasn't going to let me down today.

"OK, you can go for a while, but just return in time for dinner. You know that Sunday is family day." My father stated. After that face I pulled, I knew he couldn't say no to me. I exclaimed with joy and kissed my father on the cheek.

''How about I drop you off to your friend Alaya''  Zayn sprang out of nowhere and offered.

"No, Zayn, it's all right. I'll take the bus,"  I said awkwardly. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I noticed a shift in Zayn's behaviour. He was never one to put me in a difficult situation. He almost shut me down for it because I hadn't spent any time with him today. This did not sit well with me.

"Alaya, why don't you take Zayn up on his offer and have him drive you to your friends"   My father said, winking at Zayn. What was that all about.

"OK, I guess. I don't have much of a choice. I'm just going to change and will be ready soon." I informed Zayn, while rolling my eyes.

I went to my room to freshen up and change my clothing. I wanted to make a good impression on Alex. I wore a khaki green over-sized shirt with the phrase "rebel girl" written on it, tucked into a light brown pleated midi skirt with boots. I wore my A pendant necklace around my neck and added various rings and bracelets to complete the look. I didn't wear much makeup since I didn't want to bring too much attention to myself. So I went for a light eyeshadow, mascara and a nude lipstick. My hair was  pulled back into a ponytail.

Zayn was waiting for me in the hallway when I walked down the stairs. I felt uneasy because he just kept staring at me from top to bottom, saying nothing.

''Zayn, I'm ready now. You sure you still want to drop me off?'' I inquired in order to break the uneasiness between us.

He responded, "Uhhhmmm..... yes, I will drop you off," as if he had returned to reality.

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