Chapter 63

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Alex POV

We had spent the whole of the afternoon in the conference room. I would occasionally cast a glimpse at Alaya. Luckily she didn't notice. Why did I feel as if she was the old Alaya sitting in front of me. Maybe I was reading too much into it, but she appeared content now. Alaya would pass a folder to me every now and then, and our fingertips would momentarily brush. Each time our fingers touched, I could see Alaya flinching away, gasping, and blushing. I wasn't sure why this was but I know that each time our fingers touched, shockwaves rippled through my body. I was having trouble controlling my emotions and had to remind myself to focus on the task at hand. Despite the fact that we hadn't seen each other in years, she still managed to have this effect on me. I have met a lot of girls over the years, none I pursued, as none of them compared to Alaya. I don't know why even after she left me I always had a sense of belonging around her. I only wished she mirrored my feelings.

I learned that Alaya was still in touch with Professor Green, and I was taken aback by this revelation. She talked highly of him and expressed gratitude for the help he provided her during her time of need. I was disappointed since I wanted to help Alaya in my own way, and she didn't allow this. I wished she had given me the opportunity to help her also. But if there was one thing that has reassured me, it is that Alaya is in a better mental and physical state. I didn't think I'd ever see her smile again.

Even though Alaya's mental state has improved, I still get the feeling she is still hesitant to speak with me about that dark period in her life. I am eager to learn everything I can about what she has been up to the last few years. At the time, I was also in a bad place, but the years taught me to grow and formed me into the man I am now. If it hadn't been for the heartbreak I experienced and the talk I had with Professor Green, I would not have pushed myself to become the man I am today.

"You cut your hair short and got highlights. It suits you", I murmured to Alaya as she scribbled something in her notebook. I must admit I was taking advantage of her attention being diverted so that I might enjoy the sight of the girl I adored so fondly years ago. I could see the changes she'd made to her whole appearance, and I must say I liked what I saw. She paused, despite the fact that she was still writing in her notebook, when she felt my attention on her. Her cheeks flushed as a result of my comment, and she slowly raised her head to look at me. I couldn't help but look at her with adoration.

"Thank you, Alex. It's nothing really." Alaya replied, slightly biting the bottom of her lip as she returned the warm smile. I sensed her uneasiness and so could tell to divert attention away from herself, she blurted, "What about you, Mr Business Man? You look so smart and professional. I'm loving the three piece suit. It's a huge change from your jogging top and bottoms. Not that you didn't look nice in them." A faint chuckle escaped her lips. I miss the sound of her laugh. I miss everything about her.

I couldn't help but also chuckle and said, "Hey, I still occasionally wear them, when I'm not working. After all, I had to grow up at some point." My expression changed from amusing to serene as I placed the palm of my hand on top of her hand. "This feels nice, doesn't it?"

Alayas POV

I froze in surprise, not expecting him to touch my hand. Those all-too-familiar butterflies started fluttering and doing somersaults in my stomach. I could tell Alex was observing me. I expected it to make me uncomfortable, but it had the opposite effect; I did not flinch. I could tell Alex had been treading cautiously with the questioning and touching. Perhaps he sensed I was nervous in his presence. After all, it had been years. I wasn't sure where I mustered up the courage but I blurted out, "yes, it does. Would you like to join me to the farmers market tomorrow morning before work?"  I was dreading the end of the day, as I haven't enjoyed anyone's company in the 5 years I've been here. I had worked late with Rob and a few other colleagues a few times, but that was purely professional. Alex's presence has brought up a flood of memories for me. It's as if my emotions have been sleeping for a long time, and now they're gently reawakening and leaking out. 

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