Chapter 61

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Alex POV

As I held her in my arms, I asked, "Alaya, Alaya, can you hear me?" in a frantic tone. I examined her pulse, which was normal. I believe she passed out from the shock of seeing me. I wasn't sure how or why Alaya was here, but I had come to discuss a merger and possibly takeover. I had not anticipated Alaya to be the one to greet me when I arrived.

Sarah, the receptionist who had first greeted me, had entered the room. With a bewildered expression on her face, she looked at both of us. Since the person who was meant to meet me wasn't answering the phone, Sarah had walked me up to the conference room earlier. She requested me to stay in the conference room while she looked for the person who was meant to meet me. "Please grab me a bottle of water off the table over there so I can spritz her with it. She just passed out." I said to her, as she went to get a bottle of water from the table where the food was set up.

She opened the bottle for me and handed it to me. I poured a small amount into my hand and gently splashed it around Alaya's face. As I stared at her, I couldn't help but think that the years had been good to her, and she looked stunning as ever. I couldn't believe I was holding her in my arms after all these years. As I sprayed more water onto her face, I could see that she was slowly waking up. She slowly opened her eyes, trying to take in my sight, and asked, "Alex, is it really you?" She grinned half-heartedly as she put one of her palms to my face. We stared into each others eyes. Her smile was warm and welcoming.

"Yes, it's me. You scared the living daylights out of me! Are you all right? ", I inquired, a slight smile on my face.

"I'm sorry. Did I pass out?" She inquired as she attempted to carefully raise herself into a sitting position.

"Hey, take it easy. I'll help you stand up and you can sit on one of those chairs " I told her as I pointed at a chair. I didn't want her to overwork herself.

"All right, thank you." She murmured this as I assisted her up from the floor and motioned for Sarah to get a chair for her, who continued glaring at me and smiling, so I had to signal twice. It was difficult not to absorb Alaya's aroma because we were so close. Her touch alone was still able to drive me into a euphoric trance, but I was able to restrain myself. Nothing could happen between Alaya and me, I knew this. That had been made abundantly clear by her. It was just so heartening to see her, after all of these years. 

While chewing her gum and twirling her bright red hair, Sarah was studying our interaction and didn't move her gaze away from us. "Do you need me to get you anything, Alaya? Mr. Scott, if you have any queries, please dial option one on the phone over there and it will connect directly to me. I mean.... anything ", Sarah said to both of us, but only looked at me. I was starting to feel uneasy in the presence of this receptionist. She continued to smile at me despite the fact that there was nothing to smile about. Plus, I didn't like how she presented herself when I first arrived at the reception area. I thought chewing gum and filing nails in the workplace were unprofessional, especially if you are the gallery's first point of contact for visitors. Alaya must have sensed my displeasure because she glared at her before returning my gaze. Sarah left, and it was only us in the conference room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I knelt down beside Alaya as she sat in the chair. I still can't believe she is sitting right in front of me. I just want to hold her close and never let go, I kept thinking. My heart hasn't felt such joy in a long time. 'Focus Alex,' I kept telling myself.

"Yes, Alex, I'm perfectly alright. Please, no more fussing. Tell me, what are you doing in here?" she inquired of me but I still couldn't help but be concerned for her. Once upon a time, this girl was my entire world, and I loved her. Those sentiments don't go away no matter how long you've been apart. 

"Okay, I'll stop making a fuss. So, I've come to speak with Mr. Robert Price about merging this gallery with mine. Do you have any idea where he might be? I arrived earlier than expected, and I'm hoping to begin our meeting a little earlier than planned" I stated to Alaya, who looked perplexed as she tried to process the information I had just given her. She could be suffering from a concussion, I thought. 

"Are you the prospective buyer?" she inquired, her beautiful, mesmerising face still befuddled. I had forgotten how much I liked staring at her. 

"Yes. Amar and I, to be precise. I am the proud co-owner of Urban Art & Gallery. We'd like to start expanding our business by acquiring and combining with other suitable galleries across the U.K. And hopefully, this will be the first one. Is something wrong, Alaya?" I explained, still confused as to what Alaya was doing here of all places.

"Alex, Rob had to go for an urgent meeting. He sends his apologies. So he wanted me to fill in for him as I'm his assistant and to go through everything with you. Is that going to be alright with you?"  she said, her tone careful and professional. She seemed a little on edge.

"Yes, of course. Unless you have an issue with that." I remarked this as I took off my coat and hung it on a cloak stand before pulling out a chair next to Alaya. "Shall we begin?"

"No.... of .... course I don't mind. That's what Rob has tasked me to do today."  She responded half-heartedly, I could tell from her expression.

Alaya's apprehension was obvious. I'm hoping she'll take it easy during our meeting. After all, I was here on business. It wasn't like anything else was going to happen between us.

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