Chapter 8.

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Alex POV:

I just finished the third campus tour of the day. They were boring the life out of me. I'm sure the groups could sense my lack of enthusiasm. I needed coffee and something to eat. The line was long and I didn't have the patience, but I was hungry, so I joined the queue. 

I kept fidgeting and could tell the lady behind me was getting agitated with me so I smiled at her. I don't think that helped as she just looked the other way. Miserable woman, I thought to myself. 

At that moment, I saw her. That girl from earlier, the one who was mad at me. She was lying under a tree. I had to see her and figure out what the problem was. I apologised to her and she still went off on me. 

As I walked over I couldn't help but think how cute she looked lying down on the grass singing along, not a care in the world.

I loomed over her and stared, she was beautiful. Her skin was an olive shade, eyeliner flowed at the tops of her brown eyes, and a hint of lip gloss appeared on her lips.  Immediately I regretted it, because her expression wasn't what I'd hoped for.

''You!'' she said in a high-pitched voice.

Her reaction caught me off guard.

''Hey, uuhhmm, listen I'm sorry about earlier on'', I said, ''I wasn't trying to be a jerk...''

I started to stroke my palm at the back of my neck. Why am I nervous I thought.

Without thinking I blurted ''Can we start over?''

I wasn't expecting the next response  she came out with ''What do you mean?'' 

I replied ''I mean we'll probably see a lot of each other at the university, so I'd like us to be friends, not enemies"

She raised an eyebrow and pouted her lips, folding her arms across her chest, my God she looked cute, and said ''Well that depends, you still haven't apologised or explained your bad behaviour. Do you regularly push in lines at the bus stop?''.

I raised my hands in protest, and said ''no I promise the Alex you saw this morning isn't the real Alex. I had a bike puncture and was running late for the campus tour. You know the one you did not want to be a part of because of me'' A small laugh escaped me, I hope she didn't notice. This young lady didn't look like the person you want to see on the other side of the barricade.

''Yes, don't remind me, I was actually looking forward to that'' she added and rolled her eyes. 

Oh, I wish I hadn't messed up today. Out of no where I blurted ''Well if you have some free time I can take you on a mini tour now, that's only if you want to......''

Why am I so nervous around her.

She was thinking, I couldn't make out her expression, and then she said  ''okay, let's see what tour guide Alex has to offer". I couldn't help but smile. Okay Alex try to be cool, i kept repeating the mantra in my head.

We walked a few steps, and I realised I didn't know her name so I tuned around and said ''Hey, what's your name by the way?''

 She replied ''My name is Alaya''

What a lovely name.

My nerves got the better of me, and for some strange reason, I reached out to shake her hand. Froze in confusion at what I did, to my surprise, she pulled her hand out and I said, " Nice to meet you, Alaya."

Walking on I could see myself falling for this girl. Great, I'm in trouble now!!

Hey Lovelies, I worked super hard on this chapter. Just wanted to give you all a taster of what's to come. Please vote and leave comments with suggestions and feedback. Thanks for all of your support. - S

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