Chapter Three

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"I still don't understand why I'm going with you," Athena grumbled.

Rainbow Dash leaned into her ear. "You've got a fan."

"I have a whole city named after me," Athena whispered back. "I mean, I beat my uncle in a contest."

"Is that Apollo?" Twilight ran away yet again.

Athena sighed. She was getting annoying very quickly. It was like she'd grown up believing they weren't real and now knew that they all existed, and now this girl was slowly losing all faith in humanity (whatever that meant; it was a human phrase). In the last fifteen minutes, all they'd done was talk with Apollo's twin sister, Artemis. She had been practicing her aim next to a bunch of targets, someone else helping pull out arrows.

"Athena!" Artemis had called out, nearly impaling the other person. "And Dashie? Is this my lucky day or what?"

"You're Artemis?" Twilight had shoved through the two sisters, looking at the goddess of the moon and the hunt. "You're the real Artemis?"

"Is she okay?" Artemis cocked her head, her black curls swishing with it. Her hair matched pretty well with her dark blue complexion, a moon on her left shoulder. Athena wore bronze armor, while Artemis was wearing a simple short brown chiton. Apollo couldn't have looked more different, with a golden tan, dark green eyes, and thick golden hair. A sun tattoo sat in his right shoulder.

"She only believed we were real for about thirteen seconds, and now she's losing all faith in humanity," Athena sighed, caressing a spear tip. "And then our little sister here thinks it would be smart to take her on a tour of Olympus."

Artemis stared at the girl who was not only freaking out, but had wide eyes... and was she drooling?

"So she thought we weren't real?" she asked.

"Yeah," Twilight plastered a fake smile on her face. "I was just taught all my life that you guys were mythical. I guess now I know they were wrong. Besides, some of the stories just seem impossible, like how Prometheus has to have his liver eaten by an eagle every day. That's impossible."

"No it's not," Artemis chuckled. "Prometheus is still up there. You want to see?"

"No thank you," Twilight shook her head.

Athena sighed. This wasn't going very well.

"So how'd you get up here?" Artemis asked. "I mean, you look alive."

"She still is," Rainbow explained. "But when I was coming here, she followed me. And my streak is now gone."

Artemis bit her lip. "So, what are you three doing now?"

"Taking the nerd here for a tour," Athena replied.

"Ooh, could I come with you?" Artemis dropped her quiver.

"Um, sure," Athena shrugged. "Wouldn't hurt to have another expert on the road with us."

So now the four of them were sitting at the edge of the clouds, watching the sun streak golden glows in the sky.

"It all started back when Uranus and Gaia were ruling," Artemis explained. "They had a bunch of children, also known as the Titans. The youngest, Cronus, cut his father to pieces. Aphrodite sprung from the sea as this incident was happening. Cronus then had six children. Three sons-Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus-and three daughters-Hera, Hestia, and Demeter. He ate all but Zeus, who poisoned Cronus's drink, so be barfed up five fully grown gods. Then the Great War commenced."

"Because the three brothers had a squabble over who would be the supreme god," Athena cut in.

Artemis gave her a look. "Yes, like Athena said, they didn't know who would be the supreme god when Cronus died. So they fought a huge war, and Zeus came out on top, marrying Hera and living on Olympus, Poseidon lived in the seas, Hades moved to the Underworld, Hestia retreated into the shadows, and Demeter went down to Earth. Zeus had eight major children: me, Apollo, Athena, Dionysus, Ares, Hebe, Hephaestus, and Hermès. Of course, he's had a bunch of other children, but besides Heracles, they're pretty minor. Well, he also gave birth to Helen of Troy, and the rest is history."

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