Chapter Eight

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"Carnatium," Athena concluded. 

"Wait, what?" Rainbow stopped fingering with her geode and looked up. 

"You and Ares both," Athena sighed. 

The brother and sister had barely managed to make it out of Hestia's lair, and even then, they wouldn't talk about exactly what happened after Twilight had been pulled under again, But once Athena learned what she was being pulled under, she knew that it was carnatium, a certain poison that only the gods knew how to make. It was composed of the petals of a pure black carnation mixed with the hairs of a myrak, and then once it was mixed, you added in a drop of blood, and then mixed it into a salve that spread on either the nose of cloth. And there was no known antidote. Athena had pored over those pages one night, because she once wanted to use it against Ares after he had tortured her. But since it took a few days for a mortal to finally die from it (meaning a go would spend months under it for it to work), she decided not to try it. 

"It's carnatium," Athena explained. "It's a special poison that you use to slowly... how to I say this... harm someone."

As if the reality struck on her, Rainbow's eyes widened, and she looked ready to either faint or puke.

Probably both.

"Is the chicken scared?" Heracles taunted in the hallway.

"Let's be real for a second, you're the mess of this dysfunctional family," Athena called back without looking up from the book.

"And you're too logical to solve anything," he took a step closer to the girls.

"I swear, I will make your lion armor attack you," Artemis kept cleaning her bow.

"You have too big of an ego to understand anyway," Athena rolled her eyes. "So I have no idea why I'm talking to you."

"Fine, I'll call Dad and say that you hurt my ego," Heracles put his hands on his hips.

"Your ego is so big it probably doesn't feel pain," Artemis snickered.

"Your aim is so small you can't hit anywhere else," Heracles tried to say, but it went all wrong.

"Wow, and I guess I win," Artemis stood up and bowed.

"You've only begun this war," Heracles said as he walked away.

"This war's been going on since you moved up here," Artemis yelled as he disappeared out of sight.

"He's gone," Athena sighed. "And we've got a sister who's seriously confused and looks like she wants to barf."

She was given a dirty look.

"Whatever," Athena turned the page. "Hey, it says that no one's found an antidote yet, since no one's ever had to deal with it since Zeus did it to Cronus."

"Oh, yay," Rainbow grumbled. "Because this has to happen because my friend thought, 'Hey, why don't I just go through a suspicious-looking portal? Nothing should go wrong!'"

"What's going on?" Ares asked as he went into the room.

"I'm seriously going to put up a sign on my bedroom door saying no brothers allowed," Athena grunted.

"Are we still shaken by the myraks?" Ares went over and shook Rainbow's shoulders. "I could ask for parental help if you need emotional support."

"I could ask Mom to pull a baby Hephaestus on you," she slapped his hands off her.

"Forget I said anything," Ares put his hands up in surrender.

"So, how are we going to help her?" Artemis asked, changing the subject... probably to avoid any more insult-hurling (for some reason, everyone in Zeus's family loved that).

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