Chapter Twenty

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"So... that was a complete fail," Athena said as they all sat in the dark courtyard, most of the noise coming from Paean and Apollo treating injuries. Rainbow Dash sucked in a breath as the reality of their current situation got worse. Just before they escaped, Hestia had bellowed something about the wedding occurring in two nights, which made all hopes of saving anyone fading like a burnt out candle.

"Okay, so we've learned not to mess with Hestia," Kratos rubbed his shoulder that he had just set back in place after a particularly large myrak dislocated it.

"And you've got some friends who are really good at freaking out," Hephasteus joked, earning a dirty look from just about everyone. "I take that back; Hestia's pretty terrifying, they've got good reasons to be afraid."

"And Dad's still captured," Artemis sighed. "It's like she's got all the magic in the world times twenty."

"Artie, all she does is throw fireballs and abuse the powers of the Geodes of Poseidon," Athena pointed out. Artemis glared at her. "I'm just saying."

"You know I despise that nickname," Artemis said.

But there's something about you. Like there's something hidden inside you that just needs to come out at the right time.

Pele's voice ripped through Rainbow's head, as if she was trying to send a message.

There's something hidden inside you...

Something hidden inside you...

Hidden inside you...

Hidden inside me...

"Uh, you look like you just saw a ghost," Ares snapped her out of her mind. She blinked a couple times to make sure she was still conscious.

"I think I figured out something," Rainbow said, pacing back and forth. "It was something Pele said a while ago when I was in the sun. Something about how there might be something hidden we just need to figure out. What if there's a piece of the puzzle we're missing?"

Well, Pele had also mentioned that it was hidden inside her, but she didn't mention it, fearing the outcomes.

A squawk belched from Blitz.

"Is he okay?" Kratos asked.

That's when Rainbow, Athena, Artemis, Ares, Heracles, Apollo, Rarity, Sunset, Aphrodite, and Hermes got the same idea.

"Everyone get a phoenix," Athena ordered. "We've got a plan."

Quickly (as they could considering most of them had burns from Hestia's fireballs), they rushed to where dozens of phoenixes were sleeping. Many of them left out unhappy squawks as the gods and goddesses climbed on their backs.

"Sorry," Persephone said as she climbed on Ember's flaming wings. "But this is serious; your home had been attacked, but the culprit is the one we're after."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Apollo asked Rainbow as they mounted on Blitz.

"I'm positive," she replied. "Nothing is getting in the way of saving my friends and our father."

The sun was a lot brighter than they expected, and most of them had to shield their eyes from the light.

"Rainbow Dash?" Pepper's voice echoed off the walls of the smashed in cells, with some phoenixes still trying to rebuild the damage. "Why are you here?"

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