Chapter Eleven

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"What do you mean, being poisoned?" Rarity asked.

Artemis kept her eyes down to the carnation she had stolen again from Aphrodite. All she had known of this strange girl was that she and Aphrodite could have passed for twins, since they seemed to be the exact same person.

"What she means," Athena said. "Is that Hestia used a special poison and is currently using it to slowly kill Twilight."

Rarity somehow managed to get even paler... even though she was as white as paper, her long violet curls starting to straighten from worry.

"But Twilight's not ready to go!" she started acting super dramatic, putting her hand to her head and falling to the floor in an exaggerated heap. "She's got so much to live for!"

Artemis rolled her eyes, knowing how Aphrodite would do the exact same thing.

"Come on, Aphrodite Jr.," she sighed, picking her up. "I swear, if you looked like her, I'd have no idea who was who."

"We have different eye colors you know," Aphrodite said, leaning on the crystal door frame. "And I actually have powers, unlike this mortal over here."

Rarity immediately sat up and scowled, holding up a set of floating diamonds in her hand. Aphrodite snapped her fingers, and a set of bow-and-arrows entered her hand, the tips having hearts on them.

"I still wish I could control lightning though, or water, like Poseidon, the sea nymphs, and--" she said before Artemis and Athena shook their heads and hands, knowing very well what the last name would do.

"That kid," Aphrodite said.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, crossed her arms, and turned away from the group.

"Geez, you can't even mention him without her getting annoyed," Artemis said.

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, Poseidon's son," Apollo corked the bottle of salve. "The two of them have a... how do I say it... complicated relationship."

"The one where he scares her a little too much and she burns his arm by zapping and ever since, she hasn't trusted a single boy," Athena cringed.

"That certainly explains a lot," Rarity twirled her finger through her hair.

"Oh, come on, it honestly looked like he was trying to flirt with her," Aphrodite tried to lighten things up. "Even though they were both only four at the time."

"You think dressing up as a plant monster and scaring me is flirting?" Rainbow practically yelled. "He knew what had happened that night. And it was obvious that he was making fun of me just because I thought I could show him the scar."

She gestured to her wrist, and there was a faint mark on there. Artemis could tell she was having flashbacks. She knew that feeling all too well.

And her friends couldn't know about that night.

"So, should we be focused on the carnatium?" Athena tried to change the subject.

"What's that?" Rarity asked as they left the room.

"It's what Twilight's under," Artemis said. "We have to make it through and find the pure white carnation, but we have no idea where it is, and we don't know how long it's going to take until we either find it or she dies, and we don't even know how to make the antidote, so... we're on square one."

"Wow," Rarity said as they sat in the living room, with Athena holding the journal. "Is it really that hard?"

"Did you really think that being a goddess was easy?" Artemis tried to hide a laugh, but a small chuckle slipped out of her mouth.

The Goddessy: Hestia's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now