Chapter Thirteen

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"What were you doing, riding Blitz around?" Zeus asked for the tenth time.

Rainbow crossed her arms and sunk even further into the chair. Zeus had given her no time to try and cover anything up; he just picked her up, plopped her in a chair in the strange dark room, and had started interrogating her.

"I told you, there was a loose strap on the seat, so I went to fix it, and then he just took off!" she said.

"You sure you weren't just being a reckless teenager?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm positive," she rolled her eyes. "I don't get why you have to be so mad. For all I know, Blitz is scared of you."

"Scared of me, king of the gods?" he held up his pointer finger, sparks flying out of it. She did the exact same thing.

"Let me remind you that while you're asking me if I was being crazy, my friends are in danger," she said. "And I think I can hit another perfect target again."

"Kiddo, you can't just zap people and expect things to be on target," he put his finger down. "I don't understand yet why you can do it."

"Well, someone should, because I'm getting sick and tired of hearing 'You're the unusual one,'" she huffed.

"What's all the ruckus going on down here?" Hera entered the room.

"She's been riding Blitz around," he said.

"For the last time, I was adjusting a loose strap when he started flying," Rainbow sighed. "And let me say it before you do: I'm the weird one."

She blinked back tears and swallowed the rocks in her throat. It certainly sucked being in her shoes. Everyone on Olympus couldn't go ten minutes without mention how she was either "special" or "weird." It didn't help that she had to hide her identity for years. It didn't help that she could do things that others couldn't. It didn't help that the only people who knew were going to have to keep the secret as well. It was like everything had been going wrong ever since she had been born.

"You're not the weird one," Hera said. "We just don't know why you have certain... special abilities."

"Yeah, and that automatically qualifies as weird," Rainbow said.

"Okay, being able to hit things on target is strange," Hera began.

"So is riding a phoenix without my permission," Zeus cut in.

"I give up," Rainbow buried her face into her hands. "He literally just went, and I was just there for the ride."

"She's telling the truth," Hera said. Rainbow peeked through her fingers.

"How can she?" Zeus said. "She's a very good liar; remember when we learned what she did ten years ago?"

She cringed and covered her face again, wanting to forget that memory as well.

"That was an accident," Hera said, smoothing out a leaf on the laurel crown. "You probably would have done the same thing... along with getting more girlfriends on Earth."

She said the last part rather angrily, and she couldn't be blamed for it. Zeus had way too many girlfriends at this point anymore, none of them being Hera herself.

"But I still don't know how you were gone so long," Zeus said.

"That's the other thing," Rainbow twisted her fingers. "You see... I went into the sun."

"You did what?" Zeus leaned closer. "This I gotta hear."

"What do you mean, you were already in there once," Rainbow dropped her fingers. "And then the phoenixes started talking."

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