The Main Character

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Name: Gerald Richardson

Nickname: The Harbinger

Nationality: American

Sex: Male

Occupation: Mercenary(Formerly) Bodyguard(Formerly) Superhero(Currently)

Age: 37 (Became immortal)

Allies: The Boys and other likeminded groups and individuals, several members of the Seven, Starlight, Queen Maeve and other likeminded heroes

Enemies: Several members of the Seven: Homelander, Black Noir, and other corrupted individuals, criminals, corrupted heroes, super villains


Umbrakinesis: Gerald has the ability to manipulate darkness and shadows and can use them for both stealth and combat.

Inhuman Strength: Gerald has the strength of 10 Super Men, making him more than a match for Homelander and other heroes and villains.

Hallucination and Fear Manipulation: Gerald has the ability to make his enemies suffer from lifelike hallucinations based on their fears.

Teleportation: Gerald can use the darkness to teleport to various locations around the world.

Immortal Life: Because of his gift, Gerald was made immortal and cannot age or die.

Impenetrable Skin: Gerald's skin is 100x tougher than diamonds. Almost nothing and no one can harm him or even make him flinch when fired upon, making him a living nightmare in a fight.


Atmosphere of Fear: Over time, the name "Harbinger" will become a name to fear in the criminal underworld. This allows for swift interrogation and forces criminals with common sense to end their life of crime or have theirs ended with their fears tormenting them for eternity.

Cognitive Empathy: Gerald has the ability to identify, understand and feel people's emotions.

Weapon Summon: Gerald can summon weaponry from the shadows.

Extremely Enhanced Senses: After being gifted with his powers, Gerald's senses were heightened to inhuman heights, being so sensitive he could hear someone's breathing from miles away if he tunes it.

Combat: Gerald is naturally skilled in combat, both armed and unarmed. He is equal to Black Noir in skill and can easily take on Homelander without struggle now that he's been gifted with powers.

Black Box: Gerald has a unique ability to imprison people deep inside their minds in an area known only as the Black Box, a special part of the brain that houses a being's greatest fears. Only those with a will of steel can break out, which barely ever happens, with only one in 3 billion having a chance.

Healing: Gerald's wounds can heal at supernatural speeds.

Paranormal Realm Travel: Gerald can travel in the world of the supernatural, which requires him to meditate without interruption.

Reaper Mode: If Gerald allows an entity of death to occupy his body, he will enter Reaper Mode. In this state, he becomes a living horror that does not know the meaning of mercy and brings death to all who sin. He can remain this way for a limited time(5-10 minutes tops) before the entity has to reenter the paranormal realm.


-Gerald is at his strongest at night, allowing him to use his full strength at any time.

-Because of his ability to use fear as a tool, he can make pretty much anybody lose their mind. But only a few have a mind strong enough to resist him.

-Gerald can stealthily enter any area by traveling in the paranormal realm or manipulating shadows without risk of detection.

The Boys: Season 1 - Harbinger RisingWhere stories live. Discover now