Chapter 9: New York

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Tecka's contact and friend in New York was named Alan Charleston, and he was a fan of the Forgotten. We would set up our second base in his warehouse which is built underground, great for privacy and hidden from the public eye. The three of us: Me, Johnathon and Elena would go to New York and find the man in that video Raymond showed us. Finding him in New York is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack, but this needle is one we need to find.

We were going to teleport there tonight with Alan meeting us in his warehouse. We packed our essentials and readied to teleport to what would be our home away from home.

"Have fun in New York, and good luck with Alan. He's a huge fan of you." Tecka warns.

"I'll manage. Is everyone ready?" I say.

"Yeah, I'm good." Elena says carrying two bags.

"John?" I call out.

Johnathon enters the command room carrying a duffel bag. "(Ready.)"

"Alright, Snow you're in charge of the fort."

"Not what I would call it, but fine." She says.

"Wilhelm, remember what I said about Snow." I warn him for the last time.

"Oh knock it off, she's not gonna kill me because of my flirts. Will she?" He says with a little worry in his voice.

"Try me and I'll make you regret the day you were born." She hisses.

"Ha! She's got fire under that cold look! I love it!"

"Just don't hurt him will ya?" Elena says.

"No promises."

I grab my bag with my uniform and other essentials and teleport my trio to the warehouse in New York. We enter the warehouse to discover a very large and empty space with a modern touch to it. This place could house hundreds of people inside with enough space for equipment and rooms, and this was only the first room by the looks of it.

"Oh my God! I can't believe it! Harbinger! In my warehouse!!! This is the best thing to ever happen to me!!" He yells as he runs up to us.

Alan was a man in his mid-twenties, wears square shaped glasses and a blue plaid shirt with blue jeans. His dark brown hair was crew cut and had a thin mustache to complete his look.

"You must be Alan." I say to him as he shakes my hand.

"Yes sir! Alan Charleston, at your service! I am your biggest fan and I'm HONORED for you to use this place for your operations."

"How did you afford a place like this?" Elena asks.

"My father bought it years ago, he owns a warehousing company. He builds and provides companies warehouses for them store their products in, this one was supposed to be used but the company that bought it went out of business before the purchasing could be completed, no one has bought it since." Alan explains.

"So you're father is okay with us using his warehouse." I say to him.

"Course! He's even giving it to you to use for free! He's also a fan but is too busy to meet you in person."

"How very nice of him." Elena praises.

"Tecka told us you wanted to join the Forgotten. What can you do?" I ask him.

"I'm a hacker just like her, grey hat. I'm became her student when I was 22. I completed my training when I turned 25 and offered services to find missing people on the dark web, got pretty good at it too." He explains.

"Then you can help us find someone. A man who can shoot out blue flames."

"Ruby already informed me on the situation, I'll see what I can do. Until then, let me give you a quick little tour of the warehouse." He explains. This warehouse contains five floors going down, enough to hold close to 250 people per floor, maybe even more, it was originally designed to house trucks and even have them repaired by a built-in garage. But like I said before, the company that bought this place went bankrupt before the process could be completed. There are two ways to enter: The first way is by elevator, which is what I used to come down here, it can house up to 30 per box. The second way is by the gate where that ramp behind us beside the elevator that leads to another building that is also a warehouse, pretty weird design huh?"

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