Chapter 1: Reborn

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(1 year before the death of Robin)

As I escort a rich and spoiled man-baby to his limo, I think to myself."I sometimes hate this job." The pay may have been good, but the people I had to deal with every day were enough to make me punch a damn wall and leave a hole in it. Sometimes I can't help but want someone to hurt these people and give me a well-deserved break once in a while.

We were leaving a expensive car dealership in Charlotte, North Carolina. This prick was looking for a new Ferrari to add to his collection of cars but didn't see one he liked; he chewed out the place's owner and even threatened to end his job. That earned him one to the jaw, in my opinion, but I kept my hands to myself and continued to escort him to the limo.

The ride to the mansion was slow and tedious, and as much as I wanted to quit my job as a bodyguard, this was for me, the only job where I get to hurt people who were a threat to others; I wish I was guarding someone who didn't waste my time. My client was on the phone complaining to some poor bastard who had to put up with his shit probably every day. I read the newspaper and saw something about Vought on the front. These guys owned that superhero team called the Seven, they seemed like good people who wanted to help the innocent, but something about them honestly made me sick.

I put down the paper and looked out the window, hoping this day would end soon, this was the last day on the contract, and I couldn't wait. My father taught me that if I had a feeling in my bones, chances are I was right, that feeling when I looked at the Seven on the front, I could feel my bones go numb. There was something more to them than meets the eye.

"Hey! Bodyguard! My dad wants to talk to you." He barks as he throws me the phone and begins to drink his champagne. I swiftly catch it and place it to my ear.

"This is Richardson."

The prick's father Albert Jones, answered the question to who this guy was yelling at. Albert was disciplined and was greatly respected by many people, both close and far. Even though the poor guy raised his son to be better, he still turned out to be a spoiled boy who believed the world owed him a favor. He hired me because even a great guy like him had enemies, and his son was an easy target.

"Gerald, I hope my 'son' hasn't caused any trouble today." He said annoyingly.

"Well, he did threaten some guy at a dealership that he would lose his job." I told him.

"Trust me, Rick can make all the threats he wants, but he doesn't have true power to carry it out."

"Don't underestimate him, sir, he might be a pampered little boy who should act his age; he still has the money to pay people to do things for him."

"That intends to change. I'm removing him from my line of succession, and my daughter will take my place when I pass. She turns out to be better at running things in the company than her older brother."

"You really think that will go smooth?"

"It will. You can count on that. You obviously can't wait for this contract to end, can't you?"

"Indeed, to be honest with you, sir, this is a waste of my time protecting your son."

"No need to feel like that any longer, son, and I can't blame you for saying that, if I ever need you again, I will make sure it is my daughter, Elizabeth, you will escort."

I hang up the phone and look out the window as we ride to the mansion. I felt bad for my employer for having an incompetent son. But at least his daughter turned out to be a better child. We soon reached the mansion, and the limo parked at the entrance; I got out, ready to leave for home, when Rick grabbed my shoulder as he followed.

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