Chapter 4: The First Move

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As Wilhelm said, Black Dust sold by the Black Angels was very popular among the rich, it was difficult to track and the police who aren't corrupted such as Raymond have no leads as where they are made. Wilhelm told me the people who sell it on the streets aren't bothered by cops and mostly sell at night, they are easily recognized by their black, plastic full face masks they wear and wear all black clothing, signifying they work for the Syndicate, but these guys are small time, we had to hit the sources to deal permanent damage. The moves we were going to make will be our declaration of war against the Black Angels, we need to make it so they know they aren't dealing with vigilantes, but something even more dangerous.

"We have to catch one and interrogate him, find out where they make Black Dust and destroy it. There are multiple places where they make it all over the States, so we'll start here in Washington." Wilhelm explains as we walk down the street carrying gear for them to use.

"That shouldn't be a problem, these guys won't expect someone in a hood and mask to strike at night." I say.

"Mind if I go with you on this one? Chances are while interrogating one, other members may come to stop us." Wilhelm proposes.

"Of course, we should take Johnathon as well to look out for trouble."

"Then it's settled. We already got the gear for us to wear tonight. I'll alert Johnathon when we get back."

We enter the safehouse with the gear, Tecka didn't need anything since she bought her own things and will mostly operate down here. Johnathon was showing Elena how to use a extended baton he uses, she was actually pretty good at it striking a dummy. I put the boxes on the table and watch Elena as she strikes the dummy, her form could use some improvement but over time, I could tell she was going to be a valuable member to the team.

"I can see you're really good." I praise her.

"Thank you, I intend to buy two of these so I don't have to use John's."

Luckily for you, Christmas came early." Wilhelm hands her twin extended batons as a present. She extends them out and breaks them in by hitting the dummy. She had potential of being a great fighter on the team, who could've known.

"I hate to burst the bubble, but where are the rest of us going to sleep? Last I checked there are only two bedrooms here." Gera says entering the command room.

"I already took care of that. I took the initiative by ordering several things to expand the safehouse, I used your card if you didn't mind Gerald." Tecka tells me.

"You couldn't have used your own?" Wilhelm asks her.

"He has a 100 times more than what I have, and the expansions here aren't cheap you know." She defends herself.

"I have more than enough to spend here, it doesn't bother me. Just ask next time please." I tell Tecka.

"I enter my room and leave the door open in case someone needs me for something. I begin to ponder about how I was going to interrogate the drug dealers, my appearance and hallucinations was more than enough to scare Benson and his lackey, but I was going to attack the Black Angels directly, I need to look deep in their minds and use only their deepest fears against them.

"You have gathered a worthy cause. But are they enough?" I hear Isabella whisper.

"More than enough. And can you cut that out? I'm trying to think here." I tell her annoyed.

"We need to talk. Privately." She whispers before going silent.

I lay on the bed and enter the realm, curious at what she wanted to talk about. As I stand up I see Isabella sit on the bed holding a teddy bear that was slowly falling apart. She had a sad look in her eye, which was fairly unusual.

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