Finally made up my mind fellas

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It's been a few good months since I completed Season 1 of The Boys with my Harbinger Rising. In that time, I've been working on several projects and getting mingled in my personal life and stuff. As I look back at Harbinger Rising, I never expected this story to get this amount of reads on it. Like NEVER.

But I'm glad and satisfied to write a story you lads and lasses enjoy.

Now on to the important bits: I've finally made up my mind on what to do to continue this little saga of mine. To keep it organized, I'm gonna divide this story into seasons. With this one being Season 1 with a new title to show the change.

I also like to apologize with taking so long in writing this. I'll make no excuses, just want you guys and gals to know I haven't abandoned this saga and will begin writing Season 2 along with my other active projects.

I hope you're as excited as I am! :)

The Boys: Season 1 - Harbinger RisingWhere stories live. Discover now