Chapter 6: The Next Raid

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"Wakey, Wakey." Gera in a sing-song voice.

Gera grabs my nose trying to wake me up, succeeding immediately. I rub my eyes to give her a hostile look. "Last time I checked I didn't set an alarm clock."

"And I didn't set the raid to happen today. Now get up, breakfast is ready."

She leaves my room as I slowly get out of bed, I knew I should've locked my door. I change out of my sleeping clothing into something respectful and head to the kitchen. It was large enough to fit over 15 people inside, everybody except me and Wilhelm was already at the table. I grab a seat and smell something delicious in the oven. I see Gera wearing a apron as she fixes our breakfast.

"I didn't know you were a cook." I tell her surprised.

"I thought you knew me best Gerald." She says to me.

"I don't, guess we all do surprising things." I say smiling.

She pulls out something out of the oven. "My grandmother's specialty: Baked meatballs." She says happily.

The meatballs were covered in marinara sauce and produced a strong smell of garlic, pepper and Italian seasoning. She sets them on the table and takes something else out of the oven. "Another one of my family recipes: Baked ravioli." She sets it on the table before setting out plates.

"Why do I get the feeling you got Italian in your veins?" Tecka asks with curiosity.

"My grandmother worked in an Italian restaurant when my mother was just a child, she pretty much learned how to cook from them." She explains.

"I don't know what I'm smelling but it's making my stomach ache." Wilhelm says as he enters the kitchen.

"Look who decided to show, sit your ass down please." Gera orders him.

"Why yes ma'am, orders are orders." Wilhelm jokes.

It was moments like this where bonds are forged. When we're all together, laughing and joking and enjoying each others company, moments like this creates bonds of steel that could never be broken, no matter what sort of hell life throws at you. You have friends and partners to keep your morale soaring to impossible heights, and fight battles you could easily lose. I could've done this raiding all by myself if I wanted since I was the only super in this group, but where's the fun in that? When you could do it with other likeminded people, it makes victory that much sweeter.

After breakfast we talk about what to do on the raid. This was different from a drug lab, so we had to expect different tactics to be used by the Syndicate, but chances are things won't change, just the target.

"I went over the cameras in the market we intend to hit today. The number of guards is small, only 5 you need to subdue." Tecka explains.

"What about the one in charge? Any idea where he's located?" Elena asks.

"He's located on the same floor as where the guns are held, should be easy for you guys to take down."

"Don't say 'easy', we've may have gotten this far in the raids, but we must expect the Council to change strategy." Gera cautions.

"If only we could determine the location of those guys, this could be so much easier." Wilhelm sighs.

"We'll find them Wil, but until then, this is where we are. My mentor hit me back about the codes on those sites." Tecka says.

"What did he say?" I ask eagerly.

"He told me whoever designed the site took great caution to leave no backdoors open or holes in security. Whoever the Black Angels hired to design the site is no doubt a skilled black hat. Finding him is the challenge, he'll get back to me once he gets a lead." Tecka explains. "And about that list you guys gave me, a women named Melody Hanes is the next target, she's aged 25 and works in a restaurant in California, chances are they will try to take her when she gets off tonight at 10pm sharp."

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