Chapter 7: The Next Phase

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I get up earlier than the others to get some alone time and enter the command room, it was quiet here, more than enough to think. Learning from an older Harbinger will greatly improve my abilities and prepare for the fights ahead. I also hope they can let me in on what happened during the war that almost rendered us extinct. As I ponder I detect a presence similar to mine, a visitor was coming and I go back to my room to put on some clothing.

I reenter the Livingroom to wait for the visitor to arrive. Their presence grows stronger as they get closer, whoever they are must be hundreds of years old, and yet still look young. I need to be prepared for anything that may happen during our first encounter, chances are they probably won't like what I do.

The visitor soon appears in the command room, his back was turned to me as he looks around, his short hair was a bright white and was taller than me, I could tell he was 6 feet tall. His clothing was obviously dark and modern, he wore a black jacket with black jeans to match them, he also was wearing black boots.

He then notices my presence and turns around, showing his white large beard and icy blue eyes. He looked like a man in his 70s or 80s and was unusually fit for a man his age. It felt as if he was peering into my soul as he looks at me eye to eye.

"You must be the newborn your guide told me about." He says to me in an elderly voice. "So young, yet so full of potential. I can tell you are slowly getting the grip on your abilities, but you still have so much to learn young one."

"I'm Gerald. Gerald Richardson, former mercenary and bodyguard." I offer my hand.

He shakes my hand with a very firm grip, I could tell he could kill me with little to no effort, thankfully he's friendly. " My name is Alistair Celestin, born 500 AD, made Harbinger in 580 AD. I was born during the days of the Roman Empire to a wealthy family. On my deathbed I was given the chance to rid this world of those who sin for terrible reasons by the lady known today as 'Jane', I may look old but I am one of the most powerful of my generation." He explains.

"I guess you know of the noise I've been making."

"Indeed, this Syndicate has been making a profit off of other people's suffering, but they are not fools. You must continue to train and develop your powers if you're going to win your war." He advises. "Fortunately, I've left my hermit life to aid you."

"When do we begin?"

"Tonight. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you have a lead you should be pursuing today?

"Yes, we do. But I got up early to have some time to myself and think." I explain.

"Hmmm, you're mind is conflicted on something I see." He sees through me like glass.

"Yeah, Vought. They've been trying to make contact with us ever since they first learned of our existence. Their persistence is as annoying as the damn Syndicate, sooner or later they'll get through to us and ask us to join, but I already know what will happen if we were to say yes." I explain to Alistair.

"Vought's reputation is indeed cloaked in shadow, but many heroes, the Seven being the most famous, all work for them despite the fact. Then there are those like you: A being who doesn't fight for profit but to make this flawed world a better place for the innocent. You are not alone in this I reckon."

"You damn right he isn't! He's got us to help him." Gera comes into the command room. "Vought knows they can make a killing from us, from Gerald especially. We got this far without their help and we can destroy the Syndicate without them."

Alistair lets out a quiet laugh. "This one has fire in her heart and isn't afraid to voice her opinion, you've picked your people well young one." The others one-by-one enter the room as Alistair talks. "It is rare for a Harbinger to form a group with others, especially with other mortals since we are eternal, your group here has potential to grow into something unique, something . . . hopeful. Something I haven't seen in a long time."

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