Chapter 8: The Third Harbinger

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Alistair said the third Harbinger, known as Snow, was given the gift during the Three Kingdoms era in China, if my hunch is right, she's still there after the Harbinger War. If I was to make some noise there, it would draw her attention to me and make her seek me out, Tecka told me that several Syndicate members operate a prostitution ring in the city of Shanghai, if she's fighting the Black Angels, then that ring has become my target, and should be more than enough to get her attention.

Before I left for China, I took the time to use our connections to continue expanding the safehouse for new members, the building is discreet but the noise can be unbearable at times. It doesn't seem to bother Tecka very much, I guess she's used to loud noise that can give you really nasty headaches.

"Me and Alistair ready for our teleportation to China as others ready for their tasks, this is the first time our group will raid without my teleportation, Raymond took the liberty to point us to other drug labs that are still active, they will have to go by car and not draw a lot of attention. People don't know where we operate and we need for it to stay that way.

"Good luck in the raid." I say to them.

"Who needs luck when you got me in charge? We'll bulldoze 'em!" Wilhelm says with confidence.

"Wil? Remember what I said about Abaddon." I warn him.

"Don't worry, I'm not that crazy. Let's go people!" He orders.

His squad leave the safehouse with my blessing. I let out a quiet laugh as they go up the elevator. " Heh, that's exactly what I worry about."

"Are you ready for our journey?" Alistair asks.

"Yeah, time to find Snow and persuade her to join the Forgotten." I tell him.

"First, training, then we find her." He corrects me.

"Alright then."

We both teleport to a remote and quiet grassland in China to begin my training. Not a single person was in site, making it an ideal place to train.

"Your skills in inducing fear in your adversaries is admirable, but there are other ways of showing you enemies their deepest nightmares."

"Such as?"

"There is a special place in the mind of every living being on this earth, this place holds our greatest fears all in one place, making it a terrifying weapon for us to wield, it is known as the Black Box." He continues. "There is a hidden pressure point that allows us to imprison our foes for eternity, it is located . . .here." He places a finger on the center of my forehead. "Only a tiny handful of people have the willpower to escape the Black Box, those that were able to overcome their fears. But be warned, you can only use the Black Box on those whose minds are severely weakened or broken down, this is where your hallucinations come into play."

"I understand."

"Good. Now, to improve your manipulations of the shadows." Alistair says.

We spend the next 3 hours working on my abilities, he took the liberty to show me several tricks on how to use the darkness blind my opponents and make them take on more complex forms, his techniques will no doubt aid my cause against the Syndicate and other future foes.

After training it was time to disable the prostitution ring in Shanghai, finding it shouldn't be a problem since Alistair knew the city better than me. It was wise to stay off the streets and stick to areas with very few people, we stand out like sore thumbs and can easily draw attention.

The ring seemed to operate in Shanghai's red light district, chances are Snow is there as well. We wait several hours for night to fall to use the shadows to stay hidden, it was honestly my first time entering an area like this, the nightlife of partying and pleasure didn't suit me.

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