Chapter 14: The Female

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With the crazed Supe gone, I tore open the gate to let the three men out and threw it to the ground. I'm honestly not so sure what the consequences will be for using my powers while not wearing a costume, but it was either that or seeing my one chance of obtaining info blow his brains out on the wall.

As for the three men I followed, they now know I had powers but didn't see me as a threat, but they still showed caution.

Hughie: "Thanks."

Me: "No problem."

Frenchie: "You're a fucking Supe?"

Me: "Yeah . . . Guess you can call me that."

1st Man: "How the fuck you managed to follow us down here?"

Me: "I didn't. I was following a lead of my own until I saw you three heading in the same direction I was going."

Hughie: "W-what lead?"

Me: "A friend of mine showed me a vid of A-Train delivering a red bag to these men on a camera in the alleyway. I thought I'd go an take a look and next thing you know it: I witness a Supe brutally kill two armed men and another one almost commit suicide."

1st Man: "A Supe that someone let out instead of following the mission." (He turns to face Frenchie who was quick to defend himself.)

Frenchie: "I thought she was innocent."

1st Man: "Innocent my ass."

Me: "Either way. We have a Supe on the loose in the city that could hurt innocent people if we don't find her."

1st Man: "And what makes you think we can trust you?"

Me: "None. But I don't wanna see innocents get hurt."

Frenchie: "Well that's a first from a Supe who's in bed with Vought."

Me: "I don't work for Vought. And I never will."

The three men were taken by surprise when I said that. I could tell they have a serious hatred for Vought and obviously for the Supes who work with them.

1st Man: "What, so you're some kind of independent Supe who's trying to do some good in the world? That's bullshit."

Me: I think we're starting this off on the wrong foot here. My name's Gerald. Gerald Richardson."

1st Man: "And you're telling us your name because?"

Me: "Because I want to show you that I'm friendly."

Hughie: "I'm Hughie."

Me: (I turn to face him.) "I know, I overheard it." (I turn to face Frenchie.) "And you're Frenchie."

Frenchie: "Bonjour."

1st Man: "You some kind of psychic or something."

Me: "No, I simply overheard their names when I was following you. I just don't know yours yet."

1st Man: (Hesitates for a second) "Mother's Milk."

I shoot a confused look at him after hearing his name.

Me: "Mother's Milk?"

Hughie: "His mother actually named him that."

M.M: "There a problem?"

Me: "No. No problem at all."

M.M: (Sighs) "I need to call Butcher."

Me: "Who's he?"

M.M: "A motherfucker who has a vendetta with Supes. Just keep your powers to yourself and you'll be fine."

It would be some time before this Butcher character arrives, so I took the initiative and began to search for a possible connection to the Syndicate this place has, so far my search turned up nothing and I could count this as an isolated incident. If only I knew the shit I was about to get involved in.

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