Chapter 3: The Black Angel Syndicate

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"The Black Angel Syndicate or just Black Angels, are a criminal empire founded in the 1970s that spans around the world, from here in the states, to much of Europe. They are controlled by a group of people called the Black Council, led by a mysterious leader known only as Seraphim, under him are six generals: Belial, Moloch, Ariel, Abaddon, Andras and Andromaleus. As you can tell, each name is based on an angel both holy and fallen."

Raymond continues. "They are involved in a number of heinous crimes, from kidnapping and human trafficking, to murder and drugs. They are described as being untouchable by the law around the world, making them highly dangerous. To enter the Black Angels, it is said one must commit seven murders in seven days in order to gain entry, if they fail, they are killed by one of the members."

"What do we know about the leaders?" I ask.

"Nothing much about them personally, they are very secretive in nature and barely show their faces in public, but they do appear on the screen and each wears a black mask that hides all of their features. What I can tell you is that each general is in charge of a specific task. Moloch and those under him manages the muscle as you already know. He handles the hiring process and see who's skilled in what, take him out, and you take away their army. Belial makes sure all members are willing to do what must be done, if there is even one slight of hesitation, they are killed by Belial himself or people under him. Ariel is responsible for the drug trade, he sells a highly lucrative and expensive drug called Black Dust or Nigri Pulveris in Latin, more addictive than cocaine and hardly recognized since it's looks like gun powder in appearance. Abaddon is responsible for gun trade, the guns he sells are stolen from militaries around the world including the U.S. Army, making him a target I wanna take down the most. Andras is a sick and cruel bastard, he's in charge of human trafficking and manages what I believe to be some sort of market that sells people to the highest bidder. Andromaleus is a very tough shell I'm yet to crack, I have no idea what he's responsible for but whatever it is, it can't be good. As for Seraphim, he's the emperor and manages everything on his throne. He seems to be religious by the speeches he give whenever he appears on screen. He's polite, calm and collected, just don't let that fool you, that façade he produces hides a very dangerous man underneath that will do whatever it takes to protect his empire."

There were now 7 people in our group willing to fight the Syndicate, the three newer members were old friends of both me and Gera. Wilhelm was a soldier who returned after serving two tours in Afghanistan, he was more than willing to fight and brings the skills of a hardened soldier to the group.

Ruby, also known as 'Tecka' is our tech person, she was a wiz when it comes to computers and is an incredibly skilled grey hat hacker, if anyone can take the fight to cyberspace, it's her.

The last member to join was a mute named Johnathon, he also served alongside me as a mercenary before retiring and was skilled in stealth. He doesn't need a voice to tell people he can kick ass.

As for Gera, now that she no longer have to worry about her ex, she was more than willing to help and even when necessary fight. I was the only super in the group, but I can't help but believe that would change.

"That's all I have on the Black Angels, now we need a plan to fight them and show the world they're not invincible as people claim they are." Raymond concludes.

"We should start with disrupting their operations here in Washington, Black Dust is popular among the rich and is seen in various nightclubs. Finding a dealer shouldn't be a problem, they aren't bothered by cops and wear all black clothing with black masks." Wilhelm proposes.

"I can start with surfing the abyss of the dark web and see if I can find any crumbs on their website where they host their market for human trafficking. It will take time, but I can find it, they wouldn't dare host it publicly." Tecka says.

"Since they operate around the globe, we will focus primarily on the Black Council, if we take them down, their empire will crumble to dust." I say.

"Finding them is the problem. They could be anywhere in the world." Gera says.

"We'll start with the ones I know resides in the States: Ariel, Belial and Andras."

"They can't hide forever, we'll find them and show them what happens to people who believe they can't be touched. I believe in this team and in each person who have joined us. With you here, we have a chance against the Syndicate, let's show the Syndicate their days are numbered." I tell my team.

"We should have a cool name for us, something people will remember." Gera proposes.

"Not the Seven, please God not that." Wilhelm says in disgust.

"(How bout the Hidden? Since people don't know about us and we aren't a public group.)" Johnathon says in sign language.

"Nah, people will find out about us sooner or later, and the only guy who's really hidden is Gerald here." Wilhelm refuses.

"I think the term 'Forgotten' fits us pretty good, I doubt we would be popular and chances are people will forget us once they here there's only one super in this group." Gera says.

"Forgotten, got a nice ring to it when you think about it. No one, not even Vought and the Seven will truly know who we are. I like it!" Tecka says positively.

A name was then chosen for this group of worthy warriors: The Forgotten, a team that will soon declare total war against the Black Angel Syndicate, and other criminals out there that harm the innocent for profit and pleasure. If only we knew the popularity and dread that we would gain over time, loved by the populace, and hated by our enemies.

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