Chapter 19: Complications

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Remember when I said that things are going to get even more complicated? Well, I was right on that one. We had to abandon our safe house and move our base of operations to a motel. And what's even worse is that there's word of a supervillain on the loose, based on the conversation between Butcher and his contact I was eavesdropping on.

Butcher: "Vought are the ones that fucking created the cunt."

Raynor: "We have no solid proof on that."

Butcher: "No hard proof? I fucking well rescued the proof from a basement. She's sitting on a bloody bog as we speak."

I was sitting in a chair reading a book I recently bought from a bookstore, and I was a little eager to know what Snow and Alistair recovered in the mountains. But as of right now, me moving was a terrible idea. Until we could find more stable ground, I needed to stay put.

Butcher: "Look, I gave you the V. I gave you everything you asked for and more. I trusted you, and this is the fucking thanks I get."

Raynor: "Butcher, I will still protect your families."

Butcher: "Yeah, and keep your bleeding career even safer. Well, what about me and the Boys, then, eh?"

Raynor: "You cut bait and run for your lives. I'm sorry."

And here I am thinking our situation can't get any worse. Along with the Vought and the Supes, now the Feds are coming after us. Knowing Butcher, he won't run, not as long as Homelander is still breathing.

Butcher: "Well, that's all under control, isn't it?"

Frenchie: "Oh. We need to split up."

M.M.: "Mm-hmm."

Butcher: "Oi, what the fuck are you doing? We ain't, we ain't done yet."

M.M.: "The hell we ain't. We got Vought, the Supes, AND the Feds on our asses."

Frenchie: "I'm going to Montreal."

M.M.: "Yeah, and how are your crazy-ass girlfriend over the border?"

Frenchie: "She has a name. (Speaks French) It's Kimiko. Okay? KIMIKO."

Butcher: "Oi, listen. Shut your fucking traps. We're on the verge of nailing these cunts. And you wanna cut bait and run before we've played our final card."

M.M.: "Okay, what is it, man?"

Butcher: "Give us a couple of hours. Yeah? Hughie, you're with me."

Hughie, who was reasonably hesitant, went with Butcher to play their 'final card', whatever the hell that is, leaving us in the motel. Some time had passed since they left, and I was beginning to grow anxious with the silence. It was at that moment that I had enough.

I slammed my book shut and stood up from my chair to grab my jacket.

Frenchie: "Where're you going?"

Me: "Find us a better place than this."

M.M.: (Scoffs) "Like where?"

Me: ""Remember that place I told you guys about? The one in the Bronx? I'm going there to bring it back online. Once I'm finished, I'll return here."

M.M: "And you tellin' us this, because?"

Me: "I feel too open in this motel-- too vulnerable. I'll be back as quick as I can."

With that said, I teleported out of the motel and made my way to that place I mentioned. It was dark there, but I knew where I was and turned the power on. With the flick of a switch, the lights slowly flickered and shone brightly, revealing a large, old, and dusty room with the appearance of something that would be used by the military for covert operations.

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