Chapter 20: Complications Pt.2

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(Several Hours Later. . .)

While I watched from the shadows, Hughie made his approach to the motel. The boys in the van were quick to take the bait and one of them tackled him before taking him away.

It was a long while before the van reached its destination and I was quick to find a way inside. It didn't take me long to find the cell and I quickly knocked out the guard that was in my way.

The Boys were happy to see me and quickly stood up.

Me: "Hello gentlemen. Stay back, please."

I quickly ripped the gate off and I took out a mask with a skull painted on it and put it on.

Frenchie: "Well, last time I checked, you're not the Punisher."

Me: (As I put the mask on) "Very funny."

M.M.: "Why the mask, man?"

Me: "The less they know about me, the better for my other friends."

Frenchie: "Touché. Now can we find Kimiko now?"

Frenchie, now armed, led the way as we searched for our last companion. The search took longer than we expected, but no one was getting left behind tonight.

Frenchie: "It's a fucking maze. Where is she?"

Kimiko could've been anywhere in this place, and the less I use my powers and abilities, the better. I couldn't help but notice a faint, but familiar presence not very far from our position.

Me: "Hold it."

Frenchie: "What?"

Me: "Stay here."

Leaving my allies behind, I went to check on where the presence was located and noticed a small, lit room to my right, that was when I saw Kimiko, lying in the bed and hooked up to medical equipment.

She slowly looked at me as I was about to break the glass, but before I could, I held several footsteps headed straight for us.

Me: "Get to cover!!"

Before the soldiers could fire, I teleported behind them and took them out one by one. Several more arrived and one of them engaged Frenchie in a fierce firefight.

Soldier 1: "He's a Supe!"

Soldier 2: "Take him down!"

Before one of them could get a shot off at me, I fired a tendril and sent him flying toward another soldier who was aiming at Frenchie.

I incapacitated the last of the soldiers who engaged with us before teleporting into the room where Kimiko was and teleported back out with her in tow.

Two more soldiers soon appeared right behind Frenchie and the others and I quickly summoned a large, darkened shield to protect their rears.

Then, out of nowhere, Starlight appeared and took out the two guards who were firing and I quickly dropped the shield.

To Hughie, she was a sight for sore eyes and he chuckled softly.

Hughie: "You came."

Annie: "Like you said. . . I'm a fucking superhero."

Hughie could only smile warmly as she looked at me.

Annie: "Who's he?"

Me: "I'll give you my name later. Right now, getting Kimiko out of here is our top priority."

I could've teleported all of us away from that place, but I've used my powers more than enough for one night.

We quickly left the area we were in and searched for a way out, Frenchie and M.M. were carrying Kimiko at this point as I took the lead. As we were about to leave, an old acquaintance showed up.

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