Chapter 2: Looking The Part

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"Hey! Wake up!" I hear Isabella's voice and quickly get up thinking something was wrong, only to hear her laugh. I was in the paranormal realm, I shoot her an annoying glare knowing I was awakened for no reason.

"What, did I scare you?" She says while laughing.

"And here I am thinking this was all a dream." I say annoyed.

"Nope this is as real as it gets." She says smiling. I'm honestly quite surprised you didn't cave his face in."

"What are you talking about?"

"I forgot to mention you are way more stronger than you are, enough to pick up a whole building in fact." She says with positivity.

"So you telling me I could've killed the guy that night? Gee, thanks for the warning." I say smugly.

"Does he deserve to be sent to oblivion?" She asks me in a creepy tone while tilting her head while black veins cover her already pale skin with jet black eyes.

Her whole personality changed in a damn second from a cheeky little girl to a cold-hearted killer. What has this place done to her over the years?

"No, he's just an abuser who thinks he can get whatever he wants from people." I answer her.

"This is a question you have to ask yourself now that you're the Harbinger, Gerald. You will meet people who aren't human, but monsters in disguise." She advises me, going back to her original look.

I could tell she was speaking from experience, but I kept it to myself. Whoever killed her was long dead now and was probably trapped here too, along with the other spirits. There was a knock on the door and I quickly exit the realm back into my real body and quickly get up, that was gonna take some getting used to. I put on some clothes and head to the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." I recognized the voice, it was my neighbor I helped last night, jeez I don't even know her name. I straighten myself out and open the door, she was wearing more casual clothing and enters my apartment.

"Never thought I'd see you this early." I tell her.

"I'm a morning person, it's common for me. But I didn't come here for conversation."

She sits on the sofa and beckons me to sit beside her. She had a serious look on her face, whatever it was had something to do with what I can do. I take the chance to see what she was thinking.

"Last night, back in the alleyway, you scared my ex-boyfriend with something he was afraid of, he's not the type to be scared easily." She says as I sit down.

"Doesn't look like it from where I was standing. Everyone has something to be afraid of, even those who don't show it." I say.

"Even you?" She asks boldly.

"Even me, I thought you said you weren't here for conversation."

"I came to warn you. My ex, he's part of a crime syndicate that is very dangerous. To him, last night was a complete embarrassment, he knows where I live and he will soon know you're my neighbor."

Now I know why she came here, she's worried that something bad will happen to me, despite the fact I had superpowers. She isn't fearful of my safety, but I knew she wants to warn me ahead of time because she feels she owes me that much.

"What's the name of this syndicate he's part of?" I ask.

"The Black Angels, they are one of the most powerful crime organizations this world has seen. Their numbers are in the hundreds of thousands and they aren't afraid to take a war to the streets. They don't tolerate weakness in their ranks and will kill anyone who isn't up to the job."

The Boys: Season 1 - Harbinger RisingWhere stories live. Discover now