Chapter 5: Rise of the Forgotten

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Over the past three months, we took out and cleared Washington D.C. of the drug labs and continued our operation in the other states. Our reputation began to grow among the populace and the dread of me was growing faster than I anticipated. Each drug lab we destroyed here in the United States took away more of the Black Angel's income, but we had to cause more damage. Tecka was still combing the dark web to look for signs of their market but so far she found nothing. And the three members of the Black Council was still nowhere to be found. But they couldn't hide forever, not with us making a ruckus in their backyard.

"Hey guys, we made the news!" Tecka yells.

We all except Elena enter the command room to see what was happening it was now expanded, having more rooms and even a kitchen and dining room.

"Breaking news in Washington D.C., several buildings later identified to be drug labs run by the notorious Black Angel Syndicate, a powerful criminal organization that has been active since the 70s, have been burned down by a mysterious group known only as the Forgotten. Despite their namesake, they are beginning to gain popularity amongst the populace both here in Washington and in the other states for their actions against the Syndicate. The only thing we know about this group is that they are lead by a mysterious new superhero known only as 'Harbinger', this super has criminals big and small ducking for cover as his group continues their war against the Black Angels."

"Looks like we're gaining fans." Elena says.

Wilhelm shushes her as the anchor continues. "We have attempted to reach the Forgotten for comment on their war, but so far they remain hidden from public view, possibly for safety reasons since the Black Angels is the most dangerous criminal organization this world has ever seen. A video was posted on the dark web where the Black Council led by Seraphim, leader of the Black Angel Syndicate had something to say about the Forgotten." A video then plays. "The buildings destroyed by this so-called 'Forgotten' has not and will not make us back down from what we do, they believe that by destroying our labs they hurt us, but they only cut off the weak and make us only stronger. I have ruled this empire for a very long time and had no problems from the law. So I implore them, don't let this group of vigilantes ruin this country I call home, and I implore the people who support the forgotten, stop while you're ahead." He says in a modified voice.

Wilhelm then turns off the tv. "Did you hear that, he called the United States his home."

"I don't buy it, he may have said that to throw us off and continue the war here and only here." Raymond says.

"He does have a point Wil, until we know for sure where he stays, let's not believe what he just said and continue to focus on his generals." Tecka agrees.

Wilhelm sighs in disappointment. "Man I wanna hurt that bastard so fucking bad right now."

You'll get your chance, until then, we continue to destroy the drug labs until we find a lead on their human trafficking market." I say to him, patting on his back.

"Speaking of leads, I looked into that video they posted on the deep web." Tecka says.

"Did you find anything?" Gera asks her.

"Nothing unique except the code. The code behind the video is strange and is unlike anything I've seen in my time as a hacker. I can employ my mentor to take a look into it."

"You have a mentor?" Elena asks.

"Well yeah, how else did I learn? He taught me everything I know and has been doing this for years, I'll send the video to him and see what he can find."

"(Did you find anything on the market yet?)" John signals her.

"So far nothing direct, but I might have found someone who knows about the market."

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