Chapter 11: The Drug Fortess

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Night soon hit and it was time for us to attack the drug fortress and make our presence known in New York. For the past several hours we trained the recruits and taught them new skills in fighting, four more soon joined us, increasing our numbers to fifteen. The Syndicate would soon start taking us seriously since we know where the market is located and with our numbers growing steadily, especially when their adversaries have three supers leading the charge, soon to be hopefully four. As for the Seven, Homelander continues to shine in the spotlight, with talks of a new member soon joining their ranks since there are six of them now with Translucent missing and possibly dead. Me, I'm still learning to master my abilities as we continue to operate, Alistair is a great teacher, but I need to come up with my own unique attacks so I can stop borrowing his and form my own path as Harbinger.

The fortress was located on the north side of town and was no doubt heavily protected, rushing in there could put my team in danger of being shot at or worse killed, which is why I would go in first and deal with the guards and disarm them before my team enters. All fourteen of us would attack the fortress while Peter goes to collect the hermit hitman, he wouldn't be back for a day or two and construction starts as soon as morning hits.

My team puts on their masks and ready their weapons as I put on the makeup with the help of Elena. "I still can't believe you're gonna put that shit on your face," Joseph says to me while pulling his hood over.

"My biggest fan did say I should look scarier for my enemies, so what the hell." I say back while trying to keep still.

"But still. You? Wearing makeup? That's a first in my book." Joseph as he grabs his baton.

"First time for everything." Elena says. "Okay, I'm done." She grabs a mirror and shows me my new look, the upper part of my face was now pale white with the bottom half still my natural skin color since it will be covered by my mask. "Next time I'll teach you how to do it when we come back."

I stand up and put on my mask and pull my hood over. I then look at my teammates who were ready for action. "Alright everyone, tonight is the night we make ourselves known in New York. The Syndicate here believes we are only stationed in Washington and will stay put there, but we will prove them wrong. The Forgotten is growing, that alone should tell the Black Council we will soon shut down their market in the Balkans once we have enough fighters. Once we burn this fortress to the ground, the people here will become inspired, causing them to flock to our faction and join the fight against the Black Angels, but don't get cocky, the Syndicate are merciless and will kill you on sight, do NOT give them that opportunity or satisfaction. Let us begin." I conclude.

In the black of night, I teleport us to the roof opposite of the fortress, giving us a good view of the building the Syndicate is using to produce Black Dust. The fortress was a five-floor building with the top no doubt being used as the command floor, there was but one way to enter: The front door was the most obvious and most direct way of entering, it was no doubt under heavy guard. The traffic was very low and only two cars had passed as we observed our target.

"Looks like the only way inside is through the front door. It will need to be secured before we can enter Ger-, I mean, Harbinger." Joseph corrects himself.

"Attacking all at once is not a good move, I will go in first and secure the entrance, thus allowing you all to enter, then we will secure the fortress floor by floor, wait for the doors to open, that will be my signal." I order.

I teleport us all to the side of the front before I enter the shadows and enter the fortress, the door was protected by five guards, all armed with rifles and wearing body armor with black metallic masks. This to me was a sign these guys were better trained than the hoodlums, making this a more interesting fight. I cause the lights to flicker and soon make the room dark, causing the guards to freeze in place.

"Woah, what the hell?!" One guard exclaims.

"Shit! It's Harbinger, warn the other floors!" Another guard orders.

"Too late." I say in a low voice before making myself known. I quickly dispatch all five guards with ease before opening the door to allow the others to enter.

"Alright, let's quickly secure this floor before moving on to the others." Joseph says to the others.

The first floor we were on housed the security, which we quickly took care of before slowly going up the stairs, one by one we secured each floor without any of our teammates getting seriously hurt. The fourth floor was where Black Dust was being made and as soon it was cleared the bomb was placed, as for the leader of the fortress, he was knocked unconscious and was taken to the rest of the guards who were tied outside.

"Okay, that's everyone. Bomb is ready to detonate and everyone is accounted for." Elena says positively.

"This will no doubt grab the Seven's attention, they may think it's a terrorist attack at first, better for us to leave before detonation." Joseph advises.

"Alright, hang on everyone." I say before teleporting us back.

As soon as we reached the hideout, Johnathon detonates the bomb and the light turns green, signifying a successful detonation. Soon the police would arrive and the Syndicate have now lost a major drug production building in New York.

"Now to find our myth, everyone is ordered to stay here until I return." I order.

"You really think that guy would join us?" Joseph questions.

"Only one way to find out, wait here until I come back." I teleport to where Thomas was possibly staying, if we had someone like him on our side, our chances of taking out the market would go up exponentially.

(I decided to make this chapter and the next one a little short since I will soon place this project on hold and work on the other ones I have planned. To be honest, I don't know how many chapters this story will be before I can count it as being completed, I'm gonna try and follow The Boys as close as I can and hopefully add an event where Gerald will meet the characters from the series. Now to work on Chapter 12.)

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