Chapter 18: Burned

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I teleport back to a room in the safehouse I knew was empty. It was quiet as I exited the room and walked to the main room, where everyone was gathered.

Butcher: "Good to see you're nice and awake, Gerald."

I spot Butcher eating something and something sweet tickles my nose.

Butcher: "You must've slept like a fucking log, Frenchie and M.M. didn't want me to disturb ya."

I figured those two would cover for me. I intended to tell him my secret, but due to his hatred, now wasn't the proper time.

Me: "Yeah, I was really tired and needed the rest."

Butcher: "You hungry?"

Me: "No, not right now."

I sit down in the chair while keeping myself from cursing out Frenchie. He was torturing my senses again, and now I intend to make good on my threat the next time Butcher leaves.

Butcher: "Tell me, Gerald."

Me: "What?"

Butcher: "When we first met in that basement, you said you were looking for a connection. A gang you were trying to take down."

Me: "Yeah, I was."

I should've figured he would press me for info sooner or later. I'm just gonna have to play along.

Butcher: "What's the name of this gang you got such a fucking hard-on for?"

Me: "The Black Angel Syndicate."

Butcher stops eating for a moment. The name must've caught him off-guard. I guess he suspected I was tracking down a more minor, local gang rather than a powerful, international one. He smiles before starting to eat again.

Butcher: "The Syndicate, huh?"

Me: "Yeah, you heard of 'em?"

Butcher: "Who hasn't? Bunch of black-masked cunts doing all kinds of shady shit."

Me: "Drugs, murder, human trafficking. . . The list goes on."

Butcher: "And you're gonna stop them all by your bloody self?"

Me: "Who said I was alone in this?"

Butcher looks me in the eye.

Butcher: "And here I am thinking you were a lone wolf, mate."

Me: "I am a wolf, with a pack of like-minded wolves who hate the Syndicate as much as I do."

Butcher: "And instead of waging your little gang war, you're cooped up here with us, fighting Vought and its fucking Supes."

Me: "That war hasn't started yet, last time I checked. The gas has been dowsed on Vought, but no sparks as of yet."

Butcher: "Well, look at you, being all poetic. You know, who figured that I would have a vigilante part of our little posse here."

Me: "Yeah, who figured."

Butcher: "So how did you find that little lead that led you to that basement?"

Me: "A friend told me about something shady happening there, so I checked it out, and here I am."

Butcher: "I'm guessing he's another one of these wolves you run with."

Me: "Yeah. One of the best."

Before I know it, Hughie hastily enters the room and everyone including me looks at him. Kimiko looks at Frenchie and tilts her head at Hughie.

Frenchie: "She wants to know where you were."

Butcher: "That's a compelling fucking question."

Hughie was nervous, he tried to hide his emotions but I read him like an open book, he quickly walks over to Butcher, and I quickly notice why he was being so nervous.

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