Chapter 1

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Monday February 2nd 2015

It was my last year of High School, Second Semester. I had been half listening to my best friend Leon for the past five minutes. We were standing by the office for no particular reason.

I tried to paint an expression on my face of someone who was really relaxed, and I suppose it was working since Leon hadn't said anything to me yet.

I was already irked by this day since it had started so awfully. It began by me running into Dad while he had his mug filled with coffee.

I was rushing downstairs for no reason at all, and he was just about to take the first step, going up, when bam, we clashed, not only did the coffee ruin the outfit I was wearing, but it was also hot.

So because of this irritating thing that just happened, I started running late while putting on different clothes ,and had no time to eat breakfast.

We both had already decided to skip first period. I was waiting for Leon to finish up what he was saying(since I suppose he felt comfortable speaking about it by the office where none of our friends were)so I could start leading him to the cafeteria.

Both of us had just changed our schedules for our last semester, so we could have the same classes, except for last period. Most of our school friends were in the same classes as us too.

Leon chose Woodworking, I chose Creative Writing, which I had no interest in, and I was a little nervous about all the times I'd have to get up and read my work, which obviously would be below average, but I figured who cares it's one class. No one would remember my garbage.

Leon was talking about our first Soccer Game, that was set to happen this Friday, in the Big Gym, since it was still full on harsh winter outside. Well actually, he was talking about how the girl he had a crush on since tenth grade, Selene Chamber would be there.

I got to know Selene in ninth grade, we had almost all the same classes, and she was a sweet person, easy to talk to, funny, a little shy, we always said hi to each other in the hallways, but as far as how interested she was in Leon, I wasn't sure.

Leon turns his head to the left to look at me, I notice how Leon got his hair cut too short this time, and how it makes him look different, maybe older. I'm still looking at him strangely when he says "Have you even been listening to me?"

I smile insincerely, then try to remember everything Leon's been chattering on about "Of course, Friday, the game, Selene, might be wearing that blue sweater you like, you texted her three times throughout the break, she didn't respond."

Leon looks at me suspiciously, then his expression changes into a slightly gloomy one, he shrugs his shoulders softly "Why don't you think she did?" I start walking in the direction of the cafeteria "Maybe she changed her number. Cause she hugged you at that party."

Leon's eyes go wide dramatically as if I just told him the solution that would lead to world peace.

As we walk, Leon starts going on about all the times he's felt that Selene was staring at him, from the past three years.

Again I was only half listening. Usually Leon had my complete attention but there was something off about this day, as much as I did try, I just couldn't bring myself to be totally present.

It might of been the fact that I had been trying hard to press down the panic I felt of High School ending, underneath my foot. After five months, no matter how what I did to to stop it from happening, we'd all be moving forward.

And these past four years would become memorabilia that would lay as forgotten photos in drawers. Parts of it would be embossed into our memory. We'd see an old friend we haven't talked to in years in a coffee shop with their child. We'd long for the days we used to be free. I started to feel the nostalgia of it all before it was even close to being over-in grade ten.

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