Chapter 3

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We all have to separate after class, my class is upstairs, Leon's down by the cafeteria. And Vincent's by The Office.

I start dreadfully making my way to class, saying my quick insincere hi's to everyone in the hall, and smiling at Olivia when we walk by each other. Nodding to Leeaan like we're old hiking buddies. I couldn't care less about these people so why am I putting in this much effort?

I wonder why we do that? Why all of us paint this fake personality on in High School. Is it out of politeness? Or is it out of not wanting to feel isolated at all? Isn't it isolation that gives us the chance to have liberty with our individuality? So what are we so scared of? No,what am I so scared of?

I walk into class with the intent of taking the seat furthest in the back. When I see that the desks are all formed in a circle, my plan is shot to hell.

There's fifteen kids in the class so far. And I don't think there's much more coming. I notice how two guys from our soccer team are here and I notice how there's two girls in the class who most of my friends would call attractive. All the other kids I don't know, but have seen in the hallways.

I'm internally screaming, I decide to sit beside one of the two girls casually, she moves slightly in her chair like she's uncomfortable by my presence, but it's too late to move now.

Suddenly she turns to me and sticks her hand out "Hi I'm Cora, and you arrre?" How weird, no one introduces themselves like that in class, I find it refreshing. I shake her hand "I'm Olly."

She takes her hand back now, "Hey Olly,so why'd you choose this class?" I answer "Only one that could fit into my slot." Her expression turns into a frown. "So not much of a Poet are you?" I laugh now, "Not at all." Cora looks at me in a familiar way, like we were friends in elementary school and we're meeting again, then starts doing something on her phone.

I'm texting Leon on how I just met Cora, when i hear a voice asking our teacher if this is the Creative Writing Class. I look up, and there she is, the girl who I saw before.

I look away, and then hear the bell ring. I put my phone in my pocket. And pay my entire attention to the teacher, as if I'm aspiring to be a straight A student.

The Teacher walks around the room in one large circle not saying anything, just looking at all of the students.

She's dressed sharply, in a form fitting black dress shirt and black dress pants, that are snug near her bottom and thighs, she has grey heals on, she has one of those short styled haircuts, and blue eyes. She's around fifty, but you can tell she works out everyday.

There's something about her that feels sort of mom-like, not her age, but something else, and that's not with all older people, I mean take my dad for instance, he's forty five and yet most people that meet him are shocked to learn that he's married and has three kids. It's something in her personality.

Out of nowhere she begins speaking in a very clear and assertive voice: "Okay we're gonna go around, tell everyone our name, one interesting thing about ourselves, and our favourite quote by a writer or from a book."

She slowly spins in the spot she's in, then stops and points, the direction of her finger lands on the other attractive looking girl, "Okay so I'll go first, My name is Mrs.Finley, an interesting thing about me is that I've been to Egypt, and my favourite quote from a book is "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."

The girl understands that this is her cue to speak. The girl bats her eye lashes, and it's like she's putting on a show or something as she speaks overly enthusiastically "So hi I'm Katrina. An interesting thing about me is that I've been singing since I was three years oldddd, and my favourite quote is by J.K. Rowling, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

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