Chapter 14

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Friday May 22nd 2015

"Wait Olly, did you grab my black back pack?" I look at my watch. I roll my eyes comedically. "Yes Cora, it's in the trunk. Now get in,we wanted to be the first ones there."

Cora asks "What about my make up bag?" Suddenly we hear a voice "Cora who the hell brings makeup to a camping trip? especially when there's like so many people there too. Like who cares? and you're gorgeous."

Chloe's in the back of my car, in a sleeveless black Pink Floyd, shirt, Jean shorts, her hair is a wild collection of waves and curls. I stare at her for a second too long, before realizing what the fuck am I doing?

Leon laughs. Cora pouts, and stomps to the back seat. Chloe's grinning. Cora looks out the window "Okay but if we end up going anywhere and I don't have my make up. I blame all of you."

Leon says "The only places we'll be going are hiking, and we'll be getting sweaty, canoeing, where we might get wet, or to eat at the outside restaurants where we'll be trying to get away from wasps."

I start driving. Chloe suddenly laughs "I hate wasps." Leon looks back at Chloe "When are Benson and Vincent showing up?" Chloe's still grinning when she says "I think, like two hours after us. So we'll all set our tent up, before anyone, we'll get the best spot."

Cora asks in my direction "How many people are coming again?" I answer "I think over twenty five atleast, I don't know everyone though."

Cora nods "Leon is Selene gonna sleep with us?" Leon smiles "It's up to her. Whatever she wants to do. Are you guys okay with that?" We all say "Of course." in unison. It makes us all smile.

Cora asks Chloe "Don't you think Benson is going to want you to sleep in his tent with him?" Chloe answers neutrally "I wanna sleep with you guys." Cora wraps Chloe up in a hug, then let's her go after a tight squeeze.

Leon hooks up his phone. For the next hour and a half we all take turns picking music. We mostly leave it to Leon-since he seems to be picking songs that make us all happy.

Sometimes we lower the volume when we start discussing something.

So about a month ago, some of the seniors, including all of us were at this party, where we made a plan to go on a camping trip before Graduation.

We all slowly started constructing the plan and it led up to this moment. Why the four of us wanted to get there before anyone else? I know it sounds stupid but It's almost like it was more our camping trip then anyone else's. We wanted to claim our territory and also have some time-where only we were there.

Since most the seniors were eighteen. Getting alcohol wasn't a problem either. And we all had packed enough food and water to last us a week end.

None of us had ever been to this camp ground, but it had good reviews. It was only around two hours from my house. We were all excited to take pictures. I was mostly looking forward to the canoeing, not that I was particularly good at it, in-fact I'd lose my balance once in a while too.

Chloe said she loved hiking, and she advised all of us to bring a few water bottles in our back backs. Cora wasn't the most outdoorsy person, so we all were loving scaring her about everything. She was bringing like four cans of bug spray.

Leon was good at camping, and had done it a lot growing up, so I knew we'd have an easy time with everything.

Before we did anything else, we all used the washroom, and then created our tent, we put like five blankets down, and each of us had a pillow. Me and Chloe walked to the corner store and bought three packs of ice, and put it in our two coolers. One of them had food, and the other one-water bottles.

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