Chapter 15

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Saturday May 23rd 2015

I wake up, feeling dehydrated, I move my arms around looking for a water bottle near me, but I remember I forget to bring a few into the tent. Cora's close to me. On the other side of her is Chloe and then beside Chloe, Selene and Leon are cuddled up.

I get up, grab my keys from my back pack, and step out of the tent as quietly as I can. Once I'm out, I stretch properly and yawn. I un lock my car, and take five water bottles out of the cooler, for each of us. I grab my wallet too. I walk over and unzip the tent again, and put four water bottles in there gently for my hung over pals.

I walk the five minute walk over to the washrooms. I use the washroom and wash my face, and rinse out my mouth. I look at myself in the mirror, and smooth out my hair quickly. I don't know who I'm trying to impress. Maybe the morning chickadees and the deer ticks, hiding in the bushes.

I remember yesterday, when I was exploring the camp ground, there was this kind of hidden spot, that was a smaller beach, then the big one here.

There was this big rock area you could climb, and near that area, there was this boulder maybe two or three people could sit on. Near that boulder, towards the right there was a big patch of greenery, from inside that, there was this tree or bush of elegant red flowers.

The sun is gonna come up in about thirty-forty minutes. I decide I wanna go to that area. Right when I'm about to leave our grounds, with two thin blankets, cause it's a little cold. I hear someone coming out of our tent. I turn my body to look. It's my Chloe stepping out, looking goofy, with her wild hair.

She sees me and smiles "Running away?" I ask "Wanna come?" She nods "But I need to pee and wash my face first." I start walking towards the ladies washroom. Chloe is quick in the washroom.

We walk slowly to the place. "So where are we going?" I put my finger over my lips "It's a secret." Chloe nods with a grin, clearly enjoying my childishness. She bumps into me lovingly "Hey Olly, seriously thanks for last night." I wave my hand "Don't mention it. The amount of times I've saved Leon from doing something nuts is infinite."

Chloe giggles "Leon is Comedy Central." I nod. Chloe takes a swing of her cool water. Then looks at me sweetly "I feel like I'm in a movie." I chuckle. I point in front of us "We are. The camera's right there." I hand Chloe, one of the blankets "Here's your invisibility cloak." Chloe smiles "Thanks, I was cold. Hey Olly have you ever heard of the red string theory?"

I smile. Of course Chloe has to say something about this right now. "Yes, but I don't know what the story behind it is." Which is true. I didn't.

Chloe says "It's actually kind of sweet, so one of the legends is that there's this old man who lives inside the moon, and every night he comes out and he finds spirts, and then he reunites them on earth, what he does is that he ties that red string to both of them, so they never lead awry from each other. And the two spirts usually have something deep to learn from each other. Isn't that cool?"

I nod with a smile "Yes, that's really cool actually." Chloe says "I think so too."

When we get to the location, Chloe hits my arm "Omg this is so pretty, Why didn't you tell me, you found this place?" I chuckle "I just did." Chloe shakes her head and climbs onto the boulder just like I thought she would.

Chloe and me continue talking while we watch the sun come up. I decide to take a picture with my phone and I promise to send it to Chloe's email.

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