Chapter 16

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Monday June 22nd 2015

As our final assignment Mrs. Finley wanted all of us to do-at least a page long piece on our entire High School experience.

For some weird reason. Mrs. Finley chose me to go as the very last student today. Chloe and Cora looked at me sweetly as they always did. I cleared my throat, then I started reading:

"Oh well of course, how could I have?
How dare I?
How could I have forgotten about your long sleeved black thermal shirt, that is still hanging in one of the closets of my heart?
Did I forget to thank the ghost of sincere intention that still haunts my memory corridor?
A million times, i ran to your forest of twisted euphoria and I screamed your name, while the wolves laughed at me.
I'd do it a million times again, if the time gods would allow.
Youth. My beloved. My enemy.
The songs tore me apart. Every song of the soul.
But don't worry my friend. The words will wrap you up in their moonlight.
Will everyone say what they mean there?
Yes, my dear, not one will carry a phony heart.
There were flowers. Yes.
But I chose the old tree that still resides in the wisdom alley.
I hold you. I will hold you forever."

When I'm done, to my complete surprise, Mrs. Finley claps, which makes the whole class clap. I become shy. Chloe gives my arm a squeeze. Cora pats my thigh lovingly.

Mrs. Finley says "Bravo, Oleander." I say "Thank you." There's only ten minutes left in class. Mrs. Finley, lets us all go early.

I have work today. So I can't give Chloe a ride home. Chloe and Cora hype me up before leaving to go home.

I have an English exam tomorrow, so I study hard for that, while I'm at work. When I get home, I fall asleep thirty minutes after getting home.

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