Chapter 5

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My House, After School

Leon looks at me with shock. "Shut the fuck up, you scored both of us dates to the party in two minutes? you're the fucking man."

I roll my eyes dramatically "For the second time, they aren't dates, Chloe just said she wanted to go if she knew someone there, and Cora said she'd know us there, so I offered a ride with us, please don't do anything weird, plus I already told you, Cora has a serious boyfriend."

Leon picks up his garlic toast then scoffs "Yah like provinces away." I shake my head at him. He takes a bite of his toast.

Oh yeah this conversation is happening at our dinner table, with my entire family. How uncomfortable. Suddenly my mom turns towards us in her seat "Leon I'm a little surprised to see you're taking such an interest in Chloe and Cora, I didn't know you'd moved on from Selene."

Leon suddenly chokes on the water he's drinking, that's enough to get me, Revan and Stella hysterically laughing.

When Leon finally calms his ass down, he points at all of us "You all know too?" My dad takes off his reading glasses theatrically "Son everybody knows." Revan adds "Leon why don't you just ask her out already, what are you afraid of? High Schools over for you in five months. Then you'll be left wondering your whole life."

Leon starts nodding to himself theatrically and I roll my eyes. Suddenly his eyes have an expression of mischievousness in them. "Sooooo while we're on the topic of crushes, why don't we talk about Olly's crush on Chloe?"

I look at Leon blankly "I don't have a crush on Chloe, but she is a nice girl. If anything I'm more attracted to Cora."

That was a complete lie, I viewed Cora as my sister, as soon as she started talking to me, I think she had the same feelings about me.

Leon starts moving his index finger back and forth. "Oh no no no, you can't lie to me, I've seen you go through all of your crushes, since Kindergarten."

Suddenly my mom puts her hand on my arm. "Olly you too, if you are in love with Chloe, you should tell her."

Leon put his hand on my other arm. "Yes Olly seriously." I gently removed both their hands off my arms "Both of you are crazy, I'm not in love, I just met her today." My mom went back to eating her pasta, and my siblings gave each other a look.

Leon smirks at me, but it was such a badly executed smirk that it made me laugh "Oh how the tables have turned Mr. Blue."

I shake my head and start eating my pasta too.

After Dinner, Leon drives home, I finish any homework I have from Math, then I watch a few episodes of The Office with Stella in the basement. I know most of the time she doesn't know what's going on, but she likes how Michael makes funny faces.

Suddenly Stella looks at me and says in her squeaky voice "You have a crush on Chloe?" I smile at Stella "No she's just my friend." Stella raises her eyebrows. "Oh okay."

After another episode Stella goes upstairs. Since my room's in the basement, I go straight there. I get my towel and toothbrush. Our downstairs washroom is almost right beside my bedroom.

I like showering the night before, so I don't have to rush in the morning. While I'm showering, I think about Chloe.

Where does she come from? What do her parents do? What's her favourite movie? What's her favourite colour? What conditioner does she use to make her hair smell like coconut? Why doesn't she have a phone?

I try to shake these thoughts out of my head but they don't go away. I make a mental note to ask her about this stuff when I get the chance.

I fall asleep about twenty minutes after I hit my pillow.

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