Secret Admirer - Adam Cole

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For weeks now they had been turning up, with each new city came a bunch of flowers with the same message have I told you lately that you are beautiful.

You had come to the conclusion that it had to be a member of the  crew or some one on the roster becuase there was no other way to explain how they would know where you were every week.

Placing the latest bunch of flowers on the table in your locker room you breath in their beautiful scent before taking the card and reading the exact same message that always came with them.

Whoever it was knew you well enough to know your favourite flowers and your favourite colour, which had narrowed it down to five men, Drew, Randy, Roman, Jeff and Adam, all of them close friends and all of them knew you far too well. When the flowers had first started arriving you had asked each man in turn if they had sent them and they had all said no, that is except for Adam who curiously never seemed to be around when they arrived.

Secretly you were hoping it was him, the other guys while absolutely gorgeous couldn't quite hold a candle to him in your eyes, his piercing blue eyes, knee weakening smile and his ability to make you laugh even on your worst day had in some small way stolen your heart.

"Did you ever find out whose sending those?" Randy asks plopping himself down on the couch

"Nope" you say "and the message is always the same" you smile handing the card over to him

"Well I assure you it's not me" he chuckles "I don't need to send you flowers to tell you you're beautiful, I'd just say it"

"Wow such a romantic Mr Orton" you laugh

"What can I say, when you look as good as I do you don't need romance" he smirks wiggling his eyebrows "seriously though if it was one of us would you be interested?" He asks

"That would depend on who it was" you smile "if it was one person in particular then yeah I would be"

"Y/n baby if you want me all you have to do is say" he smirks making you laugh

"Sorry to disappoint but it's not you" you say

"What's not him lass?" Drew asks as he enters the room

"Y/n is interested in one of us and apparently it's not me" Randy responds before you have chance

"My money is on Jeff" Drew laughs "the women always choose him"

"You are also wrong Mr Mcintyre" you smirk "and thats the end of it I'm not telling you who it is"

"Fair enough" Drew smiles "come on Orton we have a match"

Over the course of the day you were visited by all of the guys and they had all either teased you about your crush or tried to guess who it was. All that is except Adam who once again was conspicuous by his absence, and you had been a little disappointed becuase you had hoped you would see him today.

A week later

Walking into your lockeroom you find as always a beautiful bunch of flowers, smiling t you take the card and breath in the scent of the beautiful blooms.

This time you find the message is different.

Do you want to know who your secret admirer is?

"I'd love to" you sigh to yourself believing that you are completely alone

"Then turn around" a familiar voice says and you know exactly who it is, with your heart beating faster you turn around and find yourself face to face with the man you were hoping it would be.

"Adam" You smile

"Yeah" he smiles back "I'm you're secret admirer" he says rubbing his neck nervously "I like you y/n a lot and when I heard that you were interested in one of us I figured I better make my move before whoever it is got there first"

"Of course you heard" you laugh "thank you for all the flowers they were beautiful and I loved the notes they were very sweet"

"I know it's a long shot but would you um like to go on a date with me?" He asks

"I'd love to" you smile taking a step closer to him

"Really?" He smiles "but what about the guy you have a crush on?"

"I just agreed to go on a date with him" you smile

The biggest brightest smile creeps across Adams face as he closes the gap between you, cupping your cheek he gently rubs his thumb along your cheek before leaning in and pressing a soft feather light kiss to you lips.

Reaching up you place your hand on the back of his neck and pull him to you bringing your lips together once again, as you deepen the kiss he wraps his arms around you, it's everything you imagined it would be and more and if this was anything to go by, you couldn't wait for your first date.


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