Saved By You - Damian Priest

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A/n this one is based loosely on personal experience, although this isn't exactly what happened with me it's not too dissimilar.

A few months ago I started a new job as a script writer for the wwe, it was my dream job, better money, more social able hours and I was safe here. Safe becuase my boyfriend couldn't just show up here whenever he felt like it. I had given him three years of my life and what did I get in return, depression, anxiety and I was a walking shell of my former self.

I had gotten wise to what he was doing to me, and I knew it wasn't right, he had taken control of nearly every aspect of my life but I was stuck, I wanted to leave I had even tried but everytime he managed to talk me into going back becuase I had no reason to stay away.

But now everything was different not becuase of my new job but becuase of him, I had met Damian on my first day and we had become instant friends, we found we had a lot in common and I found myself getting to work earlier just to have a few extra minutes with him. I was with a man I was scared to death of and I couldn't seem to leave but at the same time I was slowly falling in love with someone else.

Damian and I had hung out a few times outside of work, my boyfriend had been dead against our friendship from the start and always insisted on tagging along, I didn't know if it was me he didn't trust, Damian or both not that I cared.

Over the last couple of months I had slowly been distancing myself from him and our relationship in the hopes that eventually I could leave and this time stay away. The more I had distanced myself from him the more I confided in Damian what was going on, how he treated me, how he made me feel, and the more I told him the more protective he became of me.

Tonight was my weekly night out with Damian and of course he was tagging along, I was just shutting off my computer when I saw Damian enter the room.

"Hey y/n you ready to go have some fun?" He asks as I walk around my desk

"Yeah I just need to get changed" I say grabbing my change of clothes from my desk drawer

"Why you look great as you are?" He says

"You know why" I say quietly "I have to, he won't like it if he sees me in this"

"I keep saying this and I'm hoping one day you will listen" he sighs "y/n you need to leave him"

"I'm trying I just need a little more time" I say

Damian nods and allows me to pass him and go to the bathroom to change, I know he hates the way he treats me but he also understands what happens if do anything he doesn't like which is why he allowed me to change.

When we get to the bar my boyfriend is already there with a drink for me, a deliberate move to get me away from Damian while he gets his drink.

"Sorry didn't know what he drinks" he says as I sit down leaving a gap between us

"Sure you didn't" I say under my breath

"What was that?" He asks and I shake my head "who the hell told you that you could talk back to me huh?" He says putting his face close to mine

"No one" I say quietly "please don't cause a scene tonight, it's not fair on Damian"

"Do I look like I give a fuck about him?" He says "and what the hell are those in your ears, didn't I tell you never to wear hoops around me"

Shit, I had completely forgotten about the earrings when I got changed, that meant I would be in trouble later.
Damian places his drink on the table and sits at the other side of me, one look at my face and his his expression changes to a mixture of anger and worry, his eyes move from my face to my ears and he knows whats wrong.

"Come on y/n dance with me" he says pulling up

"She doesn't dance" my boyfriend says as Damian wraps a protective arm around my waist.

"With me she does" he says before leading me onto the dance floor.

"Thanks for the save" I say as we begin to move with the music

"Y/n I'm done with this bullshit" he says "you have to leave him, now, tonight. I can't let you leave here with him not when I know what is going to happen"

"He doesn't hit me I've told you that" I say "he just gets mad and shouts and gets in my face"

"And terrifies you in the process" he says "leave him, you can come and stay with me for a while"

I look up at Damian and look into his warm brown eyes, I can see he is worried and I can see he is scared for me.

"Ok I'll do it" I say and he looks shocked "I'll do it now but then I want us to leave"

Nodding Damian takes my hand in his and guides me back to the table my boyfriend is sitting at, he grabs my coat and bag and then stands behind me with his hands on my hips.

"What's going on? What's he doing with your stuff?" He asks

"I'm done, I'm done with being controlled, I'm done with being afraid and I'm done with you it's over" I say as Damian gently squeezes my hips "I'm leaving now, with him and I don't ever want to see you again"

Turning on my heel Damian leads me out of the club and hails a cab, the whole way to his place we are both silent both in shock that I had finally done it but I was also afraid that I would end up going back just like I had so many times before.

When we get to his place the second I walk inside I break down, Damian rushes to me and wraps me up in his arms.

"Hey it's alright I've got you" he soothes "your going to be just fine"

"Come on we both know I'll go back" I sob "becuase he knows I don't have anything to stop me going back"

"What if you did?" He asks and I look at him "what if you had me?"

"What do you mean?" I ask and he smiles warmly at me

"Y/n I want to be the one to treat you the way you deserve to be treated, I want to be the one to take care of you, I want you with every single thing that comes with you" he says taking my hands in his "I don't care that you have baggage becuase I'm strong enough to carry it, I love you and I will love you every single day for the rest of our lives"

For a moment I just look at him hardly daring to believe that the man I had been slowly falling in love with loved me back. I finally had a reason not to go back to him, I had something better, someone better.

"I love you too" I smile and he leans down and presses his lips against mine in a loving kiss

Everything was going to be different this time becuase I had been lucky, lucky I found him and lucky that I had been saved by some one who truly loved me.

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