My Safe Space Pt 3 - Roman Reigns

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Arriving at the venue I keep my arm linked through Joe's gripping him tight, he places his hand over mine giving it a reassuring squeeze and smiles down at me. He leads me over to a smartly dressed couple and shakes the mans hand.

"Joe thank you for joining us tonight" the man says

"my pleasure" Joe replies "Mr McMahon I'd like to introduce my girlfriend y/n"

"Lovely to meet you" he says offering me his hand

"Likewise" I say shaking his hand while simultaneously trying not to act like Joe had just caught me off guard, girlfriend? that was definitely a first although a little warning would be nice

"y/n this is my boss Mr McMahon and his wife Linda" Joe says doing the introductions

"For heavens sake Joe, it's Vince" he laughs "come on let's find our table"

"your girlfriend?" I whisper as we walk a few steps behind Vince and Linda

"Please just go with it" he whispers back "I'll explain later"

Over the course of the meal I listen as Joe and Vince talk shop, I have no idea what they are talking about most of the time as wrestling wasn't something I watch much of, except when Joe had a big match or announcement to make. It didn't take much to see from Joe's face how much he loved the business and his job and I was proud of everything he had achieved.

Once the meal is over Vince and Linda head off to dance leaving me and Joe alone, he turns to me and takes my hand in his rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

"How you doing babygirl" he asks

"I'm confused" I say "Why did you lie to them Joe?" I ask

"Well it sounded better than saying you were my friend" he chuckles nervously "at least in my head anyway, I'm sorry, if you want to go that's fine" he says hanging his head

"Hey" I say lifting his chin "I don't want to go Joe, just next time warn me"

"Next time?" he says looking confused "But I thought you said this was the last time"

"Yeah well I know you'll ask me again and I know I'll give in" I laugh

"would you like to dance?" he asks and he looks nervous as he waits for my answer

"Sure I'd love to" I smile

Joe takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor, he places his hands on my hips and I wrap my arms around his neck as we start to move to the music, as I look at Joe his face tells me that he is thinking about something and trying to make a decision, the last time I saw that look he was trying to decide whether or not to tell me he was sick again.

"What's on your mind tiger?" I ask "I know that look, what's happened?"

"Oh nothing like that" he says knowing what I'm talking about "I just, I think it's time I was honest with you"

"Honest about what?" I ask

"y/n there is a reason I always ask you to be my date and it's not just because I feel safe with you" he says "you told me that it was time I found myself a girl, what if I told you that I'd found her a long time ago"

"Really who is she" I ask and Joe laughs

"She is someone I've known most of my life, she's fun, she's beautiful and she's seen me at my worst when I was sick and still stuck by me" he smiles "and I'm looking at her right now"

"Me? oh my god Joe I ......."

"Let me finish, I need to say this before I chicken out" he says "y/n I love you, I have done for some time now"

"Why now?" I ask, my heart beating like a drum

"Because I figured if this was going to be the last time I had nothing to lose" he says "well except maybe my best friend if this blows up in my face, I'm not expecting you to feel the same but I don't want to lose you either"

"You know there is a reason I call you tiger right?" I smile and he shakes his head "they are fearless and strong, just like you and they are also the most handsome creatures on earth and that's what I thought of you the first time I saw you"

"Wait are you saying what I think you're saying?" he asks half smiling half confused and I nod

"I love you too Joe, always have" I smile "but like you I didn't want to ruin everything"

Joe smiles a big beautiful smile as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him, he leans in and his lips find mine in a soft gentle kiss that is everything I had hope it would be and more, for that moment it's as though everyone in the room has disappeared and it's only the two of us. When Joe finally breaks the kiss he rests his head against mine and smiles.

"Well this tiger would like you to be his tigress if you'll have me" he says quietly

"oh I don't know I'll need to think about it" I say and Joe looks at me and raises an eyebrow making me laugh "of course I'll have you" I laugh "I love you tiger"

"I love you too babygirl" he says before kissing me once again.

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