Mi Hombre - Damian Priest

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Sitting in the lockeroom I was in complete disbelief, I had no idea how she'd done it but some how Eva had convinced management that I had cheated to win the number on contenders spot for the raw women's title.

I had cheated I had won clean but for whatever reason they had believed her. What made it worse was this had nothing to do with the title and everything to do with the contenders vs champions tag match that was happening before the ppv.

Damian was the number one contender for the wwe championship which meant we would have been teaming together. It was well known that Eva had a thing for Damian and couldn't stand that he and I were so close.

She wasn't the only one who had a thing for him, I had had a crush on him from day one and the number one contenders tournaments had given me an excuse to talk to him. I had congratulated him on his win and we had been inseparable ever since.

For a while now there had been something more then friendship between us I just hadn't worked up the courage to ask him out, but I could feel in in the way he casually tucks my hair behind my ear when he talks to me, the way he says goodbye with a kiss to the forehead and the fact that he always calls me mi chica.

That's what this was about, she was trying to take the one thing that meant more to me than any title ever could, she was trying to take him.

"Mi chica are you in here?" I hear him call out

"Over here" I call back, he rushes over to me wrapping me up in a hug which I gladly accept

"I'm so sorry, I tried talking to management but they wouldn't listen" he says "I was fucking out there, I know you didn't cheat"

Damian had been ringside for all of my tournament matches cheering me on so he had seen everything, so god only knows why they won't listen to him.

"Thank you for trying" I say resting my head against his chest "Don't worry, I know why she's doing this, I'll handle it"

"Why is she doing this?" He asks "tell me maybe I can help you"

"You can't help, not with this" I say "but she is going to regret messing me with me"

"Mi chica don't do anything stupid" he says looking worried

"I won't you have my word" I smile

I had found out that the runner up and third place were to have a match next week for the spot she had cost me and some how she had managed to get Damian put on commentary, so I had a plan, and it nothing to do with the title and everything to do with Damian.

One week later

I was waiting anxiously backstage for Eva's match to start when I spotted her talking to Damian. She was standing that close to him their lips were almost touching, I could see he was uncomfortable but she was oblivious as she continued to run her fingertips over his chest.

As I walk over to the he spots me and immediately looks relieved, he moves away from Eva and towards me wrapping me up in hug.

"Hey mi chica" he smiles "am I glad to see you"

"I saw you needed rescuing" I chuckle "she really needs to keep her hands to herself"

"Do you mind Damian and I were having a conversation" Eva snaps pulling me off him

"Oh I don't mind at all" I say "but you know it's not polite to invade some ones personal space when you talk to them"

"You don't mind me being so close do you Damian" she says closing the gap between them as he shoots me a look that says help me

"Well as nice as this is, management asked me to find Damian" I say "they want to talk you before the match"

"Oh well then I'll see you out there handsome" she says giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking away

"That woman makes my skin crawl" he says shaking his head "and now I need to disinfect my face, so why do they need to talk to me"

"Oh they don't" I smirk and he smiles "but you have my word that after tonight she won't be bothering you again"

"Chica what did I tell you" he says raising an eyebrow

"Not to do anything stupid and I won't" I say reaching up and running my hand down the side of his face "trust me"

He nods, kisses me on the forehead and then leaves probably to find somewhere to hide from Eva u til the match.

Match time

This was it, I was going to get payback for what she did, I was confident in my plan and the only way this could be stupid if I didn't get the response I was hoping for.

I make my way out to the top of the ramp as my music hits, Eva stops fighting and looks at me, I glance over at Damian and he is wearing his own confused expression.
I walk down to the ring but I don't get in it, instead I walk around it towards the commentary table with Eva watching me intently.

I walk up to Damian and he smiles warmly at me as I sit myself in his lap. I reach out and run my hand down the side of his face "mi chica what are you doing?" He asks quietly.

I smile at him and move the headset microphone away from his mouth before leaning in and pressing my lips against his, he rests one hand on my back and the other on my thigh as he kisses me back taking me a little by surprise and for a moment I forget where we are.

The kiss is broken by Eva dragging me off him by my hair.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" She screams "you stay away from him do you here me"

Somehow resisting the urge to smack her in the mouth I grab a handful of her hair and pull her face close to mine causing her to let go of me.

"Read me lips" I growl quietly "Damian es mi hombre"

I let go of her and walk away back up the ramp and into the backstage area, what I hadn't realised was that I had been followed. I feel someone grab my hand and when I turn around I find Damian standing behind me.

"So I'm you're man now" he smiles closing the gap between us "you want to tell me what's going on?"

"Eva didn't cost me my spot becuase she wants the title" I sigh "she did it becuase she wants to take the one thing that means more to me than anything in this world, she wants to take you"

"Y/n you have nothing to worry about" he says tucking my hair behind my ear "she could never take me away from you, Eres mi chica"

"Damian I don't think you understand" I sigh "This isn't me not wanting to lose my friend, it's more than that, it's....I...." at that moment looking up at him I couldn't do it, I couldn't say it, I turn to leave but he pulls me back to him wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"I do understand" he says resting his head against mine "Don't be afraid y/n, say what you want to say"

"I want to be more than your friend" I say closing my eyes "I love you Damian"

"I love you too" he says "and you were always more than a friend I guess I just didn't make it very clear, so y/n will you be my girl?"

"Yes I will" I say smiling up at him

My goal had been to make it clear to Eva that she couldn't have Damian, that he was mine and I wasn't giving him up and well I'd say mission accomplished.

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