Late Night Hook Up Part 2 - Damian Priest

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Damian POV

It had been three weeks and despite my best efforts to apologise to y/n and get her to talk me so far I had failed. I had tried sending her roses and chocolates but she just put them straight in the bin.

I had given her a Teddy bear holding a heart with I'm sorry on it, though she had taken it she pulled the heart off it and gave the bear to a young fan standing near by.

I had invited her to dinner so we could talk but she turned me down flat. Notes, gifts, trying to get her alone.....nothing worked. She hadn't said one word to me since that day, everytime I tried to talk to her she would just look at me, all I got was silence and then when I was done she would walk away without saying anything.

I knew I'd screwed up, I knew what I had done was wrong, I'd hurt her and knowing I had caused her heartache hurt me. I should have handled it better I should have just talked to her instead of playing stupid games and messing with her feelings.

I was fast running out of ideas and I was desperate for her to speak to me, to smile at me the way she used to. Everytime I closed my eyes I would get flash backs of my hands touching her soft skin, my lips kissing her neck as she softly giggled at my beard tickling her, the way she would look at me right before pulling me down and making our lips meet. I missed her and I had no idea how to get her back.


As I enter my lockeroom I quickly scan the room for any gifts or notes. Damian had been relentless in his attempts to apologise, no matter how silent I stayed or how much I ignored him he wouldn't give up.

I can't put into words how much he had hurt me, I thought he liked me and then I see him willingly pulled into another woman's room. Lexi was right I had been nothing more that a late night hook up for him and I was a fool to let things get as far as they did.

"Anything from the asshole today?" Lexi asks entering the room

"No nothing" I say and I'm surprised at how disappointed I am

"Maybe he's finally given up" she says "taken the hint"

" you think I should talk to him? Hear him out?" I ask

"That's up to you.........personally I would make him wait until hell froze over" she says

Just then there is a knock at the door, slowly it opens and Damian walks in, he looks defeated and I almost feel guilty as I watch him let out a big sigh and hang his head.

"Y/n I already know what you're going to say but I'm going to try any way" he says "please can we talk?"

"If I talk to you will you leave me alone?" I ask and he nods but I can't ignore the sadness in his eyes "Lexi will you give us a moment"

"Sure call me if you need me" she says giving him the evil eye before leaving the room

"Take a seat" I say motioning towards the couch as I sit in the chair "I'm listening, say what you need to say"

"You have every right to be mad at me, I don't blame you" he says "I need you to know that I never meant to hurt you, I was an asshole, I went about things the wrong way and I screwed everything up. I hate that I've hurt you, I hate that you're mad at me, and I hate that you won't talk to me. I miss you, I miss your laugh, your smile, I miss everything about you"

"You used me" I say "I was nothing more than a hook up to you, you don't miss me you miss the easy sex, you miss getting laid"

"I swear it wasn't like that at all. Like I said I went about everything the wrong way. I liked you from the start, I wasn't sure how you felt about me so I played it cool........way too cool. The nights I didn't come to you, I wanted to, it was hard to stay away but I didn't want to scare you off. Everyday when I'd see you, I wanted to walk over to you and kiss you but I was afraid you wouldn't want me to. I should have just talked to you, asked you if you liked me. I should have been a man about it instead of an asshole" he sighs "I know I have no right to ask, I would love another chance to show you I'm not what you think I am, that you are more to me than just a hook up. I really do like you y/n"

"What about Lola?" I ask and he sighs

"There was never anything between Lola and I" he says "I asked her to do that, I wanted to know if you liked me and I stupidly thought that was the way to find out. I never considered that it would hurt you or that I would lose you altogether. I'm truly truly sorry for everything"

Slowly I walk over to him and crouch down in front of him. I place my finger under his chin and lift his face so that his eyes meet mine. I'm shocked to see them full of unshed tears and remorse. As I cup his cheek a tear falls and I wipe it away with my thumb as I smile softly at him.

"Alright, I'll give you the chance to make it up to me" I say and his eyes widen "I want a proper date, flowers, dinner, dessert, the works. I have one sex, I'm not letting you all the way back in just yet, that's going to take time"

"You mean that?" He asks and I nod "Thank you y/n, I swear I will make it up to you, I will give you the perfect date and I will be a complete gentleman. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust. I will never let you down or hurt you again"

"You better not" I smile as he stands up from the couch "just so you know I've missed you too"

Damian closes the gap between us and looks deep into my eyes, I give him a subtle nod and he leans in and press his lips gently agaisnt mine. I pull back after a moment keeping it brief and he nods to show he understands.

"Are you free tonight?" He asks

"I am" I smile "meet me here after the show"

"You got it" he smiles "see you later beautiful"

As I watch him leave I find myself hoping with everything in me that I am not making another huge mistake.

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