Look After You - Drew McIntyre

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When the wwe had come to the UK a few months back I had been very excited for two reasons, I was finally going to get a tryout, I had been training for this for years initially under the watchful eye of my brothers best friend and then when he went to the US I was trained by a friend of his. That brings me to the other reason I was excited, wwe being in the UK meant that I got to see my brothers best friend Drew Galloway or McIntyre to wrestling fans.

Drew and my brother Mark had been best friends for as long as I could remember and for as long as I could remember I had had somewhat of a crush on him. He was 6ft 5in, 265lbs of solid rippling muscle, with long dark hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile highlighted with the cutest dimples I had ever seen.

The tryout had been successful but convincing my brother to let me go to the States was another matter, he had finally agreed when Drew promised him he would take good care of me.
However Drew took that promise alot more seriously than I expected. He travelled everywhere with me, he went everywhere with me and he even had us sharing a room. He never left me for a moment longer than he had to.

Drew had nipped out for something and I was watching a movie when it started to storm outside, at the first clap of thunder I had ducked under my duvet and stayed there waiting for Drew to come back. His return was announced by the door closing and him bursting into a fit of laughter when he saw me under the duvet, apparently my fear is amusing to him.

"You alright under there lass?" He chuckles

"No I'm not" I say "and stop laughing asshole"

"I'm sorry sweetheart I know I shouldn't laugh" he says as he slides under the duvet with me and pulls me close to him, it's a that moment that I realise my face is against his bare chest, he's not wearing a shirt but before I can say anything there is another clap of thunder causing me to jump and bury myself further into him. "It's alright I'm here" he soothes rubbing my back "You're safe with me"

I look up and straight into his eyes and for moment I can't breathe, he smiles down at me and stomach swarms with butterflies, he gently tucks my hair behind my ear and just as he is about to say something there is a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" he says kissing the top of my head before climbing out of bed.

"Adam what can I do for you?" I hear him ask

"Actually I was looking for y/n" and I know from the voice it's Adam Cole

"Oh why?" Drew asks

"I wanted to ask her if she'd like to get coffee with me tomorrow" Adam replies and I smile, I had always thought he was sweet and cute too but he doesn't come close to my sexy scotsman.

"She's not interested" Drew says followed by the door slamming

"Drew!" I gasp throwing off the duvet "what the hell was that?"

"We were having a nice moment and he ruined it" he growls "besides you can do better than him"

"He's the third guy you've scared off" I say "what's going on has Mark told you not to let me date or something?" I ask

"No he hasn't" he says defensively "but I promised him I would look after you and those guys aren't good enough for you"

"Really and who.....aarrghh" I scream as the thunder claps once again and I hurl myself back under the duvet.

Just like before Drew climbs under the duvet with me and pulls me close to him, gently rubbing my back and I begin to relax "now what were you going to say?" He asks

"I was going to ask who you thought was good enough for me?" I say snuggling closer to him

"Well someone who sees how special you are and treats you with respect" he says as he continues to rub my back "some one who will be there for you and knows how to take care of you, for example how to calm you down during a storm"

"Only you know how to do that" I say looking up at him

"Exactly" he smiles as he tucks my hair behind my ear before leaning down and pressing his lips against mine.
The kiss is soft and gentle and I glady return it, I had been wanting to do this for so long, to know what it felt like and it was way better than I had ever imagined.

Drew breaks the kiss and rests his head against mine "I love you y/n" he says leaving me speechless. "I know I wasn't supposed to fall for you but I did, I chased those guys away becuase I want to be the one who gets to be with you, hold you, kiss you. Will you let me y/n?" He asks

"Yes I will" I smile "I love you too Drew, I always have"

Drew captures my lips with his once again and this time the kiss is more passionate, more desperate. He deepens the kiss rolling me onto my back.

"What are we going to tell Mark?" I ask breaking the kiss

"We tell him I'm looking after you" he smiles "he doesn't need to know how"

I chuckle as Drew begins to kiss my neck, I close my eyes and turn my head giving him better access. I honestly don't think there is a better way to forget about a storm than this.

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