ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝

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The big brunch rush had just left when Sarah walked into the restaurant. She was in a different outfit than what she had worn last night.  On top, she wore a cute yellow tank, paired with white flowy shorts and white converse shoes. Likewise, Kiara had also changed. She just wore her work clothes.

Kiara waved as she wiped down a table. 

"Hey stranger," Sarah did a little wave back. She lowered her voice, "did you get back alright last night?"

Kiara finished wiping down the bar and then pulled up a stool for Sarah to sit at.  "Sit here, I gotta talk and work." She gestured to her dad with a sideways glance. "He would definitely not be pleased to hear that his daughter who had been caught sneaking into her room at 5 am in the morning now wanted time off to eat breakfast with her friend."

Sarah slapped her hand over her mouth, "you got caught sneaking in?!"

Kiara nodded gravely, "now what can I get you?"

"I don't know-" Sarah skimmed through the menu and then looked up, "why don't you just surprise me?"

Kie pursed her lips together and thought about it. She could cook her up something that was already on the menu, but it was also a perfect opportunity to see if her homemade vegan pancake recipe was any good. "I could make you a-"

"Don't spoil," Sarah interrupted, "just surprise me." She smiled, "so anyways, are you in trouble at all?"

Kiara lubricated the hot pan with butter before whipping up a mixture of ingredients in a bowl, "At the moment I'm being treated with the silent treatment," she ground the mixture together with a whisk. "Which makes it very difficult to work together efficiently." Kie sighed and poured the mixture into the pan.  "But I guess that's better than being grounded."

Sarah's face lit up. "That is better than being grounded!"

Kie cocked an eyebrow and continued to attend to the stove.

"Because when you're grounded you can't come and make bad decisions at parties with me." Sarah leaned in grinning ear to ear, "like you are with me tonight."

"Are you crazy" Kiara gawked.  "Did you not just hear about the part where my dad caught me sneaking in at 5am?" 

"No,no- I heard that part," Sarah pulled out her phone. "I also heard the part where you aren't grounded."

Kiara shook her head, loading the perfect pancake stack onto the place in front of Sarah. "I'm not going out tonight and that's final."

Sarah folded her arms. "I'm going on hunger strike."

"I'm not going."

Sarah unfolded her arms and picked up a fork. "I know, I'm just messing with you. You don't have to come if you don't want to." She took a bite and then pointed her fork at Kiara, "All I'm saying is- you're welcome to come.  Everyone there is super chill and I'll take care of you."

Kiara smiled as she cleaned up the counter once more. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm not going." She passed the syrup over to Sarah, "so, on a scale of 1-10 what would you rate it."


Kiara smiled, "glad to hear it."

The two talked all the way up until lunch hour when Sarah was forced out of the restaurant by a herd of hungry customers.  From there Sarah left a nice tip for Kiara and went to go get ready for that night's party at her house.  Kiara continued to work until 9:30 when they closed up.  Her father continued to remain silent on the way home up until they parked.

"Started tomorrow you're grounded."

Kiara threw up her hands, "What?"

"Don't act so surprised."

"Why didn't you just ground me this morning?"

"I had other things on my mind like running the business."

"For how long am I grounded for?"

"Until I say so."

"That's bull shit!"

"It's definitely going to be for a long time with that attitude."

Kiara just got out of the car and slammed the door and went straight to her room without another word. 

Kiara whipped her phone out to text Sarah the news. Luckily her parents never took her phone on the rare occasion when she was grounded.  They believed that she might need it in case of emergencies. 



Kie: Guess what

Sarah: Ur pregnant

Kie: No. I'm grounded

Sarah: No way, rip... I'm sorry

              Wish you could be here.

Kie:  Well my dad did say "grounded starting tomorrow" so maybe I could be

Sarah: Stop playing

Kie: Wya

Sarah: Toppers

Kie: Idk where that is

Sarah: I'll come to pick you up

               Be there in 10


Kie scrambled to get ready, throwing on a bikini and then cool flowy shorts with a white tank and white vans. She quickly redid her hair and threw on some mascara just as she received the "here" text from Sarah.  She typed back quickly "coming out now."

Kiara stuffed some pillows under her comforter to make it look like she was in bed and then cracked open her window and slipped outside.  She then crept over to the car and got in the back seat before it sped away.  In the driver's seat sat Rafe Cameron, Sarah's older brother.  If Kiara was being honest with herself he was a pretty intimidating dude. 

Sarah pounded on the ceiling of the car with her fist in a fit of excitement, "Whooooo!! Kie's partying with us!"

"Don't punch the top of my car Sarah," Rafe snapped.  Sarah just mocked him. He glanced in the rearview mirror and locked eyes with Kie.  "Hey, there little freshie." 

"Hi, I'm Kiara."

"You ready for your first high school party Kiara?"

"Who says it's my first."

"Says me.  I can just tell- hey no shame in that." They pulled up to Topper's house and parked in his long driveway. 

"You ready for this little girl," Rafe twirled his keys around his finger as he made his way for the front door.

"Better get ready," Sarah smiled and pulled Kiara by her arm. 

Kook Year {Kiara x Sarah (Outerbanks AU)}Where stories live. Discover now